Chapter 9

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Sorry I haven't updated in more than a week. My life just got so complicated and stressful (life of being a high schooler lol) but I will try to update within a week. I know the picture isn't relevant but yesterday was Halloween so...HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!🎃!! My treat for you is chapter 9 so enjoy!!

Megan's P.O.V.

For the next hour Peter stayed with me until I stopped crying. No lost boys entered the tent. Occasionally, I could hear a scream, but it was quickly silenced each time.

"P-P-Peter?" I whispered.

"Yes love?"

"Thank you." I said, pulling away so I could look at him.

"What for?" He asked meeting my eyes.

"Finding me and staying with me. I really appreciate it." I said and kissed his cheek. I got up from his lap and walked over towards the flap of the tent, not meeting his eyes. I knew he was watching me and it made my cheeks get warmer. Wait what did I just do?

When I got outside I saw the lost boys gathered around a tree. With slow progress, I made it to the center and saw a boy tied up to the tree and another cutting him with a knife. The boy tied up was Sebastian and the one with the knife was Felix.

Peter's P.O.V.

"P-P-Peter?" I heard Megan whisper.

"Yes love?"

"Thank you." She said and pulled away from me.

"What for?" I asked, a little disappointed that she moved away so quickly.

"Finding me and staying with me. I really appreciate it." Megan said and kissed my cheek. Before I could process what just happened she got up. I moved my hand to where she kissed me as I watched her leave the tent. She kissed me. I thought. And I didn't do anything about it.

Megan's P.O.V.

"FELIX!" I yelled while running up to his side. I grabbed his arm and attempted to pull the knife out of his hand but he knocked me aside, sending me falling to the ground. "STOP IT!"

"Now now, what's going on?" Peter asked, walking out of his tent.

Felix punched Sebastian in the nose and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just doing what you told me Pan."

"What you told him?!" I snapped at Peter. "You told him to hit him and cut him with a knife?!"

"He broke one of my rules and had to be punished." Peter said like it was obvious.

"And what rule did he break that was so bad he had to be punished like this?!" The lost boys took two big steps back.

"He-" Peter looked down at me. "-touched something that was mine." He said and smirked. I gave him a questioning look and he sighed. "You."

I took two steps away from him. "I am not yours nor will I ever be! This is how you treat people around here? Well guess what! Your a monster Pan!" I shouted at him before running into the forest.

I could hear him calling after me but I ignored it as I dodged trees and maneuvered my way through the thick vegetation.

"YOU CAN'T GET AWAY LOVE IT'S MY ISLAND REMEMBER!" I heard him yell and I started running faster and faster. I ran until I couldn't hear him or the lost boys anymore. After a few more minutes I sat down on a rock to catch my breath. I was sitting down for less than five minutes when an arrow whizzed by my head, cutting my left cheek.

"PAN I FOUND HER!" I heard Felix yell from the direction the arrow came from.

I heard rustling from my right and started running. I don't know if it was a lost boy or not but here was no way I was staying to find out.

"Come out, come out, little Megan!" I heard a lost boy say from in front of me. He ran out of the jungle straight towards me, with a sword in his hand. "Come on! I won't hurt you!"

"Yeah like I'll believe that!" I yelled. I took a sharp left, running at full speed, when I noticed I wasn't running on dirt and leaves. I was running on stone. I glanced behind me to see no one. I didn't have time to look forward before I ran right off the edge of a cliff.

Cliffhanger, I know. I'm sorry!! I thought it would be better if I ended it there. And sorry for the short chapter I'll make the next one longer. Thanks all of you for reading this story so far I can't believe how many views I have so far! Remember comment-follow-vote! Until next time!!!

Xoxo- Jessie

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