Chapter 8

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When I woke up Peter was no where in sight. I started searching the tent to find my clothes. But after a few minutes of searching I remembered Peter used magic. Greeeaaatttt. I thought and looked in the mirror attached to the dresser. I was disgusting. I had dirt smudges all over my face, my hair was a mess and I had circles under my eyes. I sighed and walked out of the tent to find Peter.

When I stepped outside I saw the lost boys eating breakfast. Felix was standing off to the side watching everyone and Peter was no where to be found. When Felix looked at me he smirked and I walked over.

"Wow you already started to wear Pan's clothes? I thought it would at least take a few more-"

"Felix?" I said cutting him off.


"Shut. Up." I said and walked away. Pff boys. I thought as I walked over to the fire pit. I sat down next to a lost boy with black hair.

"Hey, your Megan right?" He asked.

"Oh um yeah that's me." I said.

"I'm Sebastian."

I looked over at him and smiled. He had jet black hair and light blue eyes.

"Nice to meet you." I said. We sat there in silence before he finally spoke again.

"Megan do you, um, want to go...for a walk?" He asked and looked over at me.

"Yeah sure." He got up and stared walking towards the forest. I copied him but before I could catch up someone grabbed my arm.

"Hey! Where are you going?" That kid Alan said to me.

"Oh hey Alan I'm going on a walk with Sebastian."

"Wait. Black hair tall Sebastian?"

"No the little boy Sebastian that's been making everybody cookies-yes black hair tall Sebastian." I said and started to walk away.

"No Megan don't! He's bad news!" Alan said and ran in front of me.

"Stop it Alan! I'm just going for a walk! I'll be back soon!"

"What will Pan say?"

"Who cares?" I said and followed Sebastian into the forest leaving Alan behind.

"What was that about?" Sebastian asked.

"Oh Alan just wanted to tell me something."

"Oh, well, come on this way."

We walked for about 20 minutes when Sebastian suddenly stopped.

"Why did you stop?" I asked.

"We're here." He said without turning around.

"There's nothing here..."

He looked at me over his shoulder and smirked. "Exactly." He turned around and started walking towards me.

Felix's P. O. V.

"Felix!" Pan yelled while storming out of his tent.

"Yes Pan?"

"Where did Megan go?!?"


"She went for a walk." Alan said.

"You mean to tell me she left camp by herself!??!"

"N-no Pan she went with Sebastian." Alan said and started backing away. I looked back at Pan and saw his eyes turning black.

Megan's P. O. V.

He looked at me over his shoulder and smirked. "Exactly." He turned around and started walking towards me.

I started backing away. "Sebastian what are you-" I tripped on a root and sat up on my forearms. I started crawling away backwards but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back. I kneed him in the face with my free leg and kicked him away from me. He fell back and stared laughing.

"Your going to regret that."

"PETE-!!" I started to shout but Sebastian put his hand over my mouth, silencing me.

"Be quiet stupid girl or your going to get us both killed." When I looked up at him I was terrified. He pulled out a knife and straddled my legs, keeping his hand over my mouth. "Now, we can do this the easy way...or my way." He said with a smirk.

I was too afraid to answer. "That's a good girl." He said and put away his knife. I tried to move my legs but he kept them firmly in place with his knees. I tried to punch him but he grabbed both my wrists and pinned them down. It was no use. "Now-" he said and lowered his mouth to my ear. "-be a good girl and keep quiet." He brought his lips to my neck and nibbled at the skin. I squirmed under him but that only caused him to bite harder and I felt tears welding up in my eyes.

When Sebastian started to move the hand on my mouth towards my chest he was blown off of me. I let out a shaggy breath and looked at my savior. Peter.

I jolted up and ran to him, snaking my arms around his waist and buried my head in his chest. He was a little taken aback but I felt his arms slowly circle around me. "Peter." I whimpered into his chest.

"Yes Meg?" He said. He sounded pissed.

"Can we go back to your tent please?" I asked with more tears threatening to escape my eyes and he sighed.

"Yes little one." He said and squeezed me a little tighter. "FELIX!" He shouted.

"Yes Pan?"

"Take Sebastian back to camp. Tie him up to a tree. Tell the lost boys they can hit him all they like, just no poison, is that understood?"

"Yes Pan."

Peter started to flash us back to the tent, but not before I took a glance at Sebastian. He looked like he was out for blood.

I didn't even notice we flashed into Peter's tent, I was too busy hugging Peter.

"Calm down Megan it's okay." He started to walk but I wouldn't let him. "Geez Megan-" Peter said, picking me up and wrapping my legs around his torso. I felt him sit down and move my legs so I was sitting sideways on his lap. I looked into his eyes and saw they were no longer green. They were black. Peter was watching the flap to his tent but when he looked at me I saw some green return to his eyes.

"Megan are you okay?" He asked with concern in his voice. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his neck, placing my head on his shoulder. I didn't try to hold it back anymore. I cried for the first time in months. I cried about Sebastian and being here in Neverland. I cried for not being with Henry or being there to protect him. But mostly I cried out of something I haven't shown in a long time. Fear. Fear that I will never find my parents. Fear that I will never be loved or have a family. And fear of no one being able to save me. I felt completely and entirely alone for the first time in my life.

A/N: Bad writing but why can you do at 6:27 in the morning? Oh well. I gotta go though I'm going to be late for the bus. Remember!!-- vote- follow and comment! See ya guys later for the next update! And omg 138 views!!??!! Freaking out rn!! Anyways bye guys!!


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