Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of waves. It was night still and I was on some beach on what looked like an island. There was no Storybrooke in sight. I stood up and looked around. There was a forest to my right that stretched out in front of me and a bunch of rocks to the left. I was looking towards the tall trees when I saw smoke.

I sat down in the sand trying to figure out were I was when it hit me. Neverland. But that is impossible I thought. I remembered what the boy said about him being Peter Pan and laughed, I mean I know I live in a town of fairytale people and all but still. Peter Pan? The boy that wears green tights and has a red feather in his hat? Please.

I stood up and started walking around the beach when I heard voices, but they were too far away to make out what they were saying.

I sat down in the sand and tried to block out the waves crashing down on the rocks. The voices kept getting louder and louder when I realized they were coming towards me. I got up and ran as fast as I could into the forest.

I ran for a couple of minutes and looked back. There was no beach in sight. Great I thought. I am going to get lost on some stupid island because I ran away from some voices. I was standing in a spot where the trees were very thick and their leaves blocked out most of the moonlight and all the trees looked the same. I tried to retrace my steps but I got lost more and more each time.

"You look a bit lost love." A voice from behind me said. I turned around to see who it was but there was no one there. All of a sudden my back was pushed up against a tree. I tried to hit whoever was holding me against the tree but the person grabbed my arms and pinned then above my head.

"Now there is no need for that love I was just going to bring you to camp."

Love. Where have I heard that before? I thought. Back in Storybrooke.

"Your-" I started but he cut me off.

"Peter. Peter Pan, yes."

"And I'm-"

"In Neverland."

"Okay will you quit it and let me finish?" I said getting annoyed.

"Sorry love." Peter said and chuckled.

"How come I cannot see you?" I asked.

"For starters you chose to run into the thickest spot in the dark forest and as you can tell it is dark out."

"I realized." I said. Out of nowhere the leaves above us moved and let in moonlight and I was able to see Peter clearly.

"Why are you staring at me?" He said
with a look of curiosity on his face.

"Oh um no reason." I answered. I looked at his hands and saw them by his side and tried to move my arms. They would not budge. "How come my arms are still pinned to the tree?"

"Magic love."

"Is that your response for everything?" I asked and got no answer. "Peter can you please let me go?"

"Now why would I do that?"

I looked him in the eyes and said "Because......b-because" I thought but I could not remember what I was going to say. I was lost in his green eyes. I heard him chuckle and remembered he can read my mind.

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