Chapter 23

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I stirred as I felt the bed next to me rise, blinking open my sleep burdened eyes, I rolled over to see Tristan moving around the room. Getting ready for the day by the looks of it, even though by the minimal light outside I could see that it was still early.
"Where are you going?" I asked sitting up.
Tristan looked over to me a flicker of surprise in his green eyes.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you, I'm going now."
"But where?" I asked.
"Training, we all need to prepare for the battle ahead."
Mentally I shivered but I had to look strong, if only I could learn properly ways to defend myself. An idea struck me,
"Let me train."
"Wha...what?" Tristan asked shocked that I'd even suggested the idea.
"You heard me, let me train, learn how to fight."
"Oh no no, you'll get hurt. Besides you're not going to be anywhere near that battle."
"I still want to learn how to defend myself." I protested.
"If I have anything to do with it you won't ever need to." Tristan's voice hardened as he said this.

"Please, just the basics then. Anything please let me do something."
I was took back by his immediate response especially as it shut down my argument without considering my points.
"Tristan, I need to learn something at least. I don't want to be completely vulnerable against an enemy, you know I'm completely new to this sort of thing but I want to learn. To learn how to fight."
Tristan looked pained,
"I just can't let you get hurt."
"And I won't, but there's a risk that I could if I don't learn how to defend myself."
"I don't know."
"Tristan, please!" I begged, he had to let me train he just had to.
"Fine but only I will teach you and only for an hour maximum."
"Yes!" I fist pumped the air celebrating. Tristan watched in amusement before opening his mouth.
"Meet me at the doors to the training court in 15 minutes." Was all he said before exiting the room.

I had arrived at the doors within 10 minutes excited to be doing physical activity again. I had dressed in a loose tunic-dress with fairly tight trousers not unlike leggings in 5 minutes flat, before throwing my hair up a racing out. I was impatient while waiting for Tristan bouncing up and down, servants walked past with bowed heads and I acknowledged all of them. Making a special effort when I saw Lena's familiar head bob past, saying greeting her and asking how she was. Her answers were only short replies before she said she had to be on her way. Frowning a little as she walked off, I shrugged and put it down to that she must be busy. After all Lena would never snub me would she? 

I was interrupted in my thoughts as Tristan came strolling towards me finally! He nodded at me before leading me outside, my mouth dropped open in shock. Everyone around me was either sparring or practicing with some deadly looking weapon. I spied a few knives that I knew I had to try out.
"Where do you want to start?" Tristan asked.
My mind already made up I smiled mischievously,
"Teach me hand to hand combat."
Tristan looked at me apprehensively before shaking his head and leading me over to what looked like a square marked in the grass. Everyone who saw him either stood to attention bowing their heads or fought harder in whatever they were training at. A few stared at me but one look from Tristan was all they need to look away.

"Right because you're new I'm going to teach you evasive techniques first, so if you learn anything it's how to dodge."
Slightly disappointed I wouldn't be learning how to fight I shrugged and assumed a defensive position. Making sure my knees were slightly bent and foot work correct. I knew a few things from back home.
"Okay so if someone was to grab your shoulder like this." He said while placing a firm grip on my shoulder,
"How would you get away?"
Quickly bringing my arm up over his then snapping it down on his joint, I freed myself. Tristan looked shocked for a moment before smirking.
"I guess you're not a complete beginner."

For the next 45 minutes we worked on dodges, ducking and rolling in order to evade an enemy. The rolls I was good at due to my cheer team and in the end it became like choreography to me. It was just a very different dance.
"Right," Tristan spoke, still without being breathless, something I now resented and envied as I was still recovering my breathing.
"Time for a match, I'll be an attacker you have to try and evade being hit by me."
Smirking at him, I spoke.
"Bring it on!"
Tristan first tried to grab at me which I successfully hit out of the way, he then brought up his leg to kick me which I twisted out the way of. As the match drew on I began to become tired and I was starting to only narrowly avoid his attempts. I also knew Tristan was holding back.

Tristan's leg shot out to trip me, this was something he hadn't taught me how to dodge. Thinking quickly I knew I could use his own power against him, throwing myself into a back handspring that I prayed I hadn't lost since cheer training. I allowed Tristan's own force to cause him to trip however, knowing this wouldn't be enough I flicked out my own foot in order to make sure he fell. Tristan landed on the grassy floor with a huff his eyes a mixture of surprise and amazement. I stood over him triumphant, it was only then I noticed the whole court had gone silent.
"I win!" I smiled sweetly.
"So you do, next time I'm not holding back. You're going down." He laughed, the training court let out a breath and continued on their own.

Holding out my hand to help Tristan up he took it but instead he pulled me down next to him grinning. Laughing I pushed him shaking my head.
"As much as I would love to continue training I am exhausted right now, I swear I've lost muscle mass since being here." I joked my tone light, "So I'm going to head back inside for a bit."
Tristan inclined his head,
"I'll see you later then." Before I could protest he had pulled me up and placed a kiss on the top of my forehead. Before disappearing into another part of the court with a last squeeze of my hand. Smiling shaking my head slightly I headed back inside, deciding to go on a hunt for Lena to see if she wanted to hang out for a while. Finally finding her I spent the rest of the day wandering around with her, chatting just like we used to. Before she had to go help with preparing the evening meal.

For once the castle seemed calm, although the underlying threat of the upcoming battle in just a little over 2 weeks.

AN: Hope you like this update! Don't forget to comment!! Xx

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