Chapter 19

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Speedily following the many corridors back to my room, I was lost in my own thought too busy to realise where I was going until I smacked into something hard. Thinking it was a wall I shook my head at my stupidity until I raised my eyes so they were level with the burning green ones above me.

Mentally I cursed myself how could I have been so stupid as to bump into the one person I didn't want to see at this moment in time. Of all the people in the castle. Sucking in a deep breath I tried tentatively to speak.
"Hi!" I said in fake enthusiasm, "Fancy seeing you here!" I tried.
Only to be met by a blank response, not giving up I tried again.
"So, erm... How was your day?"
Tristan continued looking at me darkness growing in his eyes.

Finally he spoke pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Brianna, you have thirty seconds to explain to me why your wandering around the corridors alone and why you smell of another male."
Laughing nervously I tried to deflect the question, not wanting to rat James out, or tell him of my escapade.
"What nice weather we're having today!"
"Brianna..." Tristan warned.
"Oh fine, I let James go because his mate was giving birth." I told him.
"That still doesn't explain why you smell of another male." Tristan said tightly.
I smiled sheepishly,
"Well he was so excited that he hugged me." I admitted.
"Leaving his post was bad enough and touching you is out of the question. I'll guess I'll have to..."
"No!" I exclaimed cutting him off, "You will not do anything to James, his mate was having a baby and he was just excited I let him off. So leave him alone!"
"Brianna he has a job he is expected to do at all costs."
"So let me get something straight, what your telling me is that if your mate was having a child you would miss that birth because of a job?" I exclaimed incredulously.

Tristan's eyes showed so many emotions at that point, amusement being one of them.
"Of course not and need I remind you Bree you are my mate."
Blushing as I realised what I said I was distracted before realising the first part of his sentence.
"I rest my case then! You cannot do anything to James without being a hypocrite!"
Tristan let out a sigh,
"Fine, I won't do anything to James." He huffed. "Oh and Brianna, people will think your strange for saying child we generally use the word pup here instead."
"Right." I took note, mentally adding it to my weird dictionary of werewolf words.
"Now let's go back to our room, I have the rest of the afternoon off so I get to spend it with you."
I gave Tristan a genuine smile, I was happy he had time off I love spending time with him when he's nice to me. I was happy he had the afternoon off too, he had been working way too much and I was worried for him. I guess if I was stuck here, Tristan was a good person as any to spend it with.
"That sounds great." I replied. "Race you to the room!" I laughed.

With that I took off running down the corridor and up the many stairs, confident Tristan had not yet passed me I laughed along the way.
Speeding around the last corner I stopped dead in my tracks leaning against the wall smirking as though he was standing there all along was my mate.
"What! How? You didn't pass me?" I protested indignantly.
"That's for me to know and you not to find out." Tristan said mysteriously.
Huffing I stomped into the room, only to collapse onto the bench, it's more comfortable than it sounds it was covered in soft cushions and animal skins. The basic version of a sofa. Closing my eyes I let my head lean against the wall behind it catching my breath, don't judge there was a lot of stairs. I heard chuckling and felt rather than saw Tristan sit next to me.

Opening my eyes I saw Tristan relaxing sitting next to me it was then I took time to take in his face. He had more worry lines and the bags under his eyes were bigger, I felt sympathy and worry wash through me. How must it feel to be so young and have a whole country resting on his shoulders. Before I could stop myself I reached up and lightly touched the bags under his eyes frowning, I heard Tristan's breath catch before I drew away and met his eyes with my own.
"You're going to burn yourself out, if you carry on like you are." I said quietly.
"Some things have to be done and there is so much to do." He replied.
"Not at the cost of your health!" I exclaimed.
He just gave me a weary smile in reply,
"I'm going to do everything in my power to keep this kingdom safe and you Brianna."
I shifted slightly, leaning my head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around mine and we sat there for a while in silence. Tristan contently playing with a strand of my hair.

After a while I heard light snores coming from near my ear, sitting up I observed the face of a sleeping Tristan. Smiling gently I moved to get up to fetch a blanket but barely kept in a gasp as his arm moved from my shoulder to snake around my waist. He was still asleep so it was a subconscious movement. Settling back down resting my head on his chest I shut my eyes, I might as well get some sleep too. Within a few minutes I fell into a peaceful sleep, feeling a sense of safety and comfort in his arms.

AN: Another Chapter up! I hope you like it! Don't forget to vote and Comment!

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