Chapter 18

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AN: Triple update!!!!! Hope you like it!

It had been a week since I had last seen Tristan properly, he was always out busy with his duties apparently and while he returned on the nights, it was usually late so I was either asleep or tired and he was always gone when I woke up.

While I had been allowed out of the room, I wasn't allowed far and I was watched like a hawk however I hadn't seen Lena since the morning she walked out with tears in her eyes. I felt really bad, I needed to speak to her but I didn't know how, I also didn't know whether she would even listen. But I missed Lena, I missed our chats even the short ones. I somehow needed to get to her and finally the perfect distraction arose.

I was currently sitting on a bench in the garden enjoying the fresh air and the warmth from the sun beating down. A guard stood 3 metres away, watching my every move his posture tense. He was my assigned guard and the only thing I knew about him other that what I could guess was that his name is James. He was tall, taller than me around 6'0, he had messy black hair and looked young around twenty I would guess. Every other time I tried to speak to him he completely ignored me, his face remaining stoic, I gave up after about the 10th time of receiving this reaction.

My eyes closed as the sun on my skin made me feel drowsy I almost missed the audible gasp coming from one of the guards. Almost, shooting my eyes open I turned to see James' eyes glazed over, mind linking I presumed. Curious I remained staring at him as his expression turned into one of delight and worry. Finally his eyes refocused and I asked the question.
"What's happened? Are you okay?"
For a hesitant moment I saw him waver about telling me, however his face split into a grin as though he couldn't keep it in.
"It's my Mate, Luna she's gone into labour, she'll be giving birth soon! He exclaimed!
"That's wonderful! Well what are you still here for?" I stated, "Go to your mate!"
His face fell,
"I wish I could but, I have a job and that's to guard you. I can't abandon this post."
"Don't be silly," I scolded "You're mate is more important than me! Go to her I'm heading back inside now anyway."
He bit his lip, looking nervous.
"But Alpha Tristan, he..."
I cut him off,
"Oh don't be silly I'll deal with him, he won't do anything." I dismissed.
James' face once again split into a grin from ear to ear,
"Thank you thank you thank you!" He exclaimed at the same time running to hug me. James picked me up and spun me around laughing I told him to put me down, which he did do after I slapped him arm.
"Thank you so much Luna, this means so much to me."
"Brianna," I corrected "Now stop wasting time and get to your mate!"
With one last smile, James started to practically run back inside but not before shouting that I will make a great Luna and friend. Blushing and shaking my head I made my way inside considerably slower than James laughing.

It was only when I saw a maid scurry past me did my mind return to Lena and my mood turn somber. The corner of my lips tugged downwards as I pondered what to do. After all this was probably the best chance I had of seeing her again, I bit my lip concerned, if Tristan found out I had wandered around without a guard he would be furious with me. Steeling myself I took a deep breath, why did I care what he though anyway. So pushing my shoulders back I stalked towards the only place I could think of as to where Lena might be. The kitchens...

I briefly knew the way back to the kitchens from when I first arrived at the palace, so it only took me 5 minutes to get there. As I got closer to the kitchens I passed more and more servants who all bowed their heads to me. I smiled at each one feeling extremely out of place and not worthy of the respect, after all respect had to be earned. Ducking my head to hide my face I tried to inconspicuously sneak into the kitchen, I made it past the occasional guard by doing this until finally I stood just inside the doors to the kitchen. The hustle and bustle was the same as I remembered it and steam rose from the open fires that were used to cook the many meals demanded in the palace.

Keeping my head down as low as I could I stifled a cough as I inhaled the clashing fumes and spices of the kitchen. Quickly I darted around the kitchen looking for the familiar mop of black hair. I let out and oof as I came into contact with someone's chest, carefully looking up I froze when I recognised Barry's face. I hadn't seen him since the ball, he was after all in charge of the staff. Barry's eyes narrowed a look of recognition passed through them, slowly he started to bow however I panicked.
"No no no, no need for that!" I whispered sharply.
"Luna!" Barry exclaimed shocked, "What are you doing back in the kitchens, if you were hungry a snack could have been prepared and brought too you."
Biting my lip I debated whether or not to tell him the truth, deciding he looked trustworthy enough I spoke up.
"Actually I'm looking for Lena, do you know where she is?" I asked.
"I don't believe so, why has she done something wrong. I can greatly assure you if she has then..."
"No no, that's not it." I cut him off, "It's just that I need to apologise to her."
"Luna you shouldn't have to apologise to anyone!" Barry protested.
"But I need too, titles don't excuse a person from common decency! Lena was worried and upset because of me and I need to apologise to her."
Barry looked at me shyly despite being considerably older,
"Well Luna, if it's anything I could help with I sure would be happy too. You can speak to me anytime."
I smiled at Barry's kind words,
"Thank you so much! You are very kind to me and please call me Brianna."
Before Barry could reply I let out a gasp as I saw the black hair I had been looking for, I darted through the kitchen after shouting a fast goodbye at Barry trying to catch up to Lena.
However Lena disappeared through a set of double doors before I could fully catch up to her so I sprinted through them before they could close, yelling her name.
"Lena! Lena! Lena!" I shouted.
Lena turned around, surprise flashing in her eyes.
"Luna?" She questioned.
"Lena, I need to apologise. Please let me!" I begged.
Waveringly Lena weakly nodded her head, I took this as a sign to continue.
"I'm sorry Lena! Really, truly I am, I'm extremely sorry I ran away it was never with the intention to hurt you and the truth is I miss you Lena I miss our talks and you helping me through all this. I miss us laughing at stupid things, I miss you Lena!"
By now Lena had tears gathering in the corners of her eyes, she nodded her head.
"I miss you too Bree!" She said as she pulled me into a hug. I pulled away laughing,
"Thank you, Lena really! But I had best be getting back to Tristan's room before Tristan realises I'm missing and without a guard." I laughed.
"Okay, I'll come and see you later if I can." She promised. I nodded before rushing off back in the direction of the room.

AN: Return of an old character and how sweet is James! Also Brianna and Lena are now friends again!! Hope you like it! Xx

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