Chapter 4

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The buzz in the air was electric, some girls looked excited others looked scared and then there was the ones that just looked as if they couldn't care less. All the eligable girls were being shuffled into a line. I looked over at Mikayla her jaw was tight with tension, he shoulders taught, the rest of her family made its way over to the viewing section just behind.

We joined the evergrowing line and waited, I stood immune to the nervousness in the atmosphere, confusion dotting my features, a girl with pretty red hair and freckles stood next to me. A loud bellowing from one of the judges caused everyone to cover their ears while wincing. Then a loud clear voice started to speak!

"Why hello Girls lovely day isn't it, this year we have decided to do things a bit differently, if you would just like to direct your attention to the podium thankyou!"
We all akwardly turned to the sound of the voice, there stood a rather weasly looking man who I immediately disliked, a large what looked like the wheel of fortune sat behind him,
"Now as I said we are going to do things a tad differently! This year every Girls name has been written on this wheel and this wheel will be spun 6 times to decide the six girls, please make your way up to the podium if your name is called! The square broke out in loud shocked whispers, even the parents looked surprised.
"Now shall we begin" Asked the man as he reached to spin he wheel, "Okay the first person is... Madeline Rooksanne! Next is... Layla Evans, Brittany West, Morgan Wren, Selena Rottreau!" This earned a surprised gasp from Mikayla,
"No!" She whispered
"Selena is one of my best friends." A tear rolled down Mikayla's cheek. I shifted my attention back to weasel face, 
"And now last but certainly not least Mikayla Adams! I froze with shock, no not Mikayla, looked between Kayla's stricken face and her families devastated ones and made a quick decision. Before I knew for certain what I was getting into my feet were carrying me forward towards the podium. Once there I willed for no one to speak up and destroy my plan, but the crowd was deadly silent.
"Now we have our 6 future maids! Go say a quick goodbye to your families and be at the coaches in 10 minutes! We have places to be people!"

I ran towards Mikayla and her family now reunited waiting for me to go to them. Mikayla's face was covered in relief and shock, "Brianna, I can't believe you did that for me I will be forever grateful!" she hugged me tightly and tears slid freely down her cheeks, "just remember what I said about your um situation, she whispered into my ear!" Then it was the rest of the families turn they all hugged me one by one! I had know them for less that two days and they already felt like close family! Rose started to sob into my shoulder, I let her for a few minutes, but then it was time for me to leave, I said one last goodbye and jumped into one of the midnight black coaches pulled by startling white horses that had just arrived! The last glimpse I got of them was of tear-stained faces before the coach rolled away towards the unknown. Although I was nervous I knew I had made the right decision, I couldn't let Kayla be taken away from her family.

At some point during the journey I must have fell asleep, it was probably best because even though I am generally good at making friends, finding and starting up a conversation in the first place has always been a struggle for me. Anyway before I knew it a girl who I think I recognise as Selena was shaking me awake and we were all exiting the coach.
We lined up in front of huge iron gates which were impressive enough, but what really made us all gasp was the sight of a huge white marble palace, which stood looming over us safely tucked away behind the gates.

A large creaking sound drew my attention as the gates flung open. A young man probably around 20 ran out to greet us, but before he could speak he stopped abruptly and sniffed he air... he turned towards the eldest girl Brittany, an 18 year old with frizzy black hair and green eyes and I noticed her stiff posture and same star-struck look in her eyes. A low growl erupted from his throat "Mate" he said, then more loudly "MATE" The rest of us stood there akwardly as he enveloped her into a bruising hug, he then quickly pushed her behind him, still holding her hand as another middle aged friendly looking man, walked up to us.
"Woah there tiger! Shall we give the other girls a tour first before you go claiming one of them eh?" He turned to us "Sorry about that, mates are... possessive, anyway how about that tour, if you will be so kind as to follow me.

I shook of the shock before snapping out of it and I followed the rest of the group, wondering what I would do if I ever got claimed. Wait no that could never happen to me, i'm not even meant to be here. Satisfied with my conclusion I carried on.

The tour was very helpful, but so very tiring it was a large place and the corridors seemed endless, the middle aged man who had told us his name was Barry, finally showed us to the maids quarters which was basically a long room with a fireplace and 6 or so beds, one of which was empty Brittany still hadn't returned, not that i expected her to. He said that tomorrow we were going to assigned to our ladies (these were the women we would serve until our service time is up.) He also said to get plenty of rest and that the first day is always the hardest.

At this point I decided to get nervous I mean i'm not unfit, I mean I used to be on a cheer team, but i'm not used to all these long hours of work ahead, what if I can't keep up? What if there are things i can't do? I should be stressing over revising back home, not how to light a fire or wash clothes in a river or something! What if I get a horrible lady! What if she is mean! I mean i'm not stupid, I know how servants were treated in medieval ages and this world seems the same, just made up of werewoles instead, what if they are worse? These thoughts kept whizzing through my head as I drifted off into an uncomfortable, restless nights sleep.

I awoke to the sound of pots clashing and the sound of scrambling feet, I abruptly sat up, my eyes flung wide open...

"Time to get up girls! It's time for you to meet your mistress's they won't take too kindly to you being late! I'll give you 5 minutes to get ready then meet me in the kitchen!" Shouted Barry the man from yesterday.
I scrambled out of bed and was suddenly hit with a problem where was I supposed to find clothes? I studied what the other girls where doing, by the looks of things they had all brought a bag of clothes with them, now what was I supposed to do? I then noticed one girl seemed to have the same problem but she also seemed to know what to do she knelt down and reached down under the bed to bring out a medium sized looking chest. She then opened it and sure enough inside there was a plain looking pale gold dress.

I decided to try my luck, slowly dread filling my stomach I reached under the bed my fingers connected with something solid and elation filled me, phew I have something to wear. Quickly I opened the chest ugh pink! The dress was a plain pale pink colour, I hate pink, I also hate dresses, so this was just perfect, quickly threw the dress on and smoothed down the creases. By this time most of the girls had already exited so I nervously caught up with the last girl as we all hurried to the kitchen. Barry was standing there waiting he had 5 plates of bread and cheese behind him with what I think was ham,
"Quickly eat up girls lunch won't be served till 2 this will be your last meal until then"  we all quickly claimed a plate and ate hungrily.
"Right now that your all done you must take breakfast to your mistress here is a map of the castle, remember to return here at 2 to eat your lunch and collect your mistress's, good luck on your first day and off you go."
I grabbed a plate that was labeled in Mikaylas name and studied the map showing the room I had to deliver it to. All the while think I'm Mikayla I'm 16 I can do this I will not slip up. I hurried up to the room I was supposed to go to and knocked the door.
"Enter" was all I heard, I hesitantly made my way into the room and sitting before my was beautiful woman who looked around 18 with long black hair and piercing blue eyes her gaze cold and icy. I quickly curtsied and said
"Your breakfast ma'am" She studied me for a moment longer.
"Place it on the table." I did as she asked and turned to look at her.
"What is your name?" She asked sharply
"b b er Mikayla" I stuttered, then mentally face palmed.
Suddenly her face contorted with rage and I felt a stinging sensation swipe across my face with a cry of pain I fell to the floor.
"You must always dress me as ma'am or mistress, do you understand!" Her eyes were flashing black. I nodded nervously before scurrying out the room.

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