Head canon 1: soccer

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Leo grinned as he kicked the ball toward the net. He had a crazy pleasure expression in his eyes. 

"Yes! Yes!" Esperanza Valdez yelled. "Go Leo! Puntuación , muchacho!"

With one last hard kick, the ball sailed into the net. Leo team, the Fireballs, had won the game. His small teammates picked Leo up onto their shoulders. He grinned, showing his missing front teeth. 

Esperanza ran to the field once the main crowd cleared. She picked him up from under the arms and spun him around. 

"¡Muy bueno!" She said before pulling him close and smashing his check against hers. "mi pequeño héroe del fútbol."

Leo was still grinning from ear to ear. 

"Icecream?" He asked. 

Esperanza laughed.

"Of course, mi pequeño." She said. 

Hand in hand, they walked down the street on the hot spring day. 


It was a warm summer day. Jason had just brought out a soccer ball and started a game. 

"Leo, come join us!" They called. 

Leo jumped up and ran over. He hadn't played soccer in years, but he knew he still had it in him. 

"You guys are going down." Jason said as the seven started the game. "I'm the only one who's had experience playing. I played for a year in 1st grade."

Leo grinned to himself. He had been playing since he was two and he stopped at nine or ten. 

The game started and Leo immediately took the ball. He dribbled it back and forth till he finally scored. He did this many times. Sometimes he would purposely let the other team score. By the end of the game, the score was 25-5. 

"Nice job Leo!" His team said as they did a group hug. 

"Thanks!" He replied, grinning like a kid again. "Icecream?"

Everyone smiled and laughed at the idea. 

"Yeah!" They cheered, and headed to the icecream parlor. 


This was fun to write. This chapter is dedicated to someone for coming up with the idea of Leo playing soccer. But I forget her username. I'm so sorry!! If you know it was you, just comment and I'll change it. 

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