Sick Little Eddward

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By- denoftheshark

Summary: Edd is sick and Kevin goes to check on him. Typical I know, but it's cute in my head.
It was unusual for Eddward to not be at school. Not just unusual, it never happened. Kevin couldn't remember a time he'd ever seen Edd miss a single day. He knew he shouldn't be worried about it. One day without him there meant one day of not getting teased, or harassed. It pissed the nerdy red head that he was even worried about that jerk.

He rested his head on his desk in frustration. Everything inside him said to to and check on that bastard, and he was trying so very hard to fight the urge. Really what had Edd ever done for him, aside from tormenting him? Okay, he had helped Kevin on his robotics when needed, and sometimes he'd give Kevin advice on homework, but still.

The nerd sighed. It was no use. Even when that damn shark was outside of school, he found a way to pull Kevin towards him. The guy couldn't even leave his thoughts alone. He made the decision to go and check on Eddward after school even if it killed him.

The swimmer stared up at his ceiling. He had been forced to stay home today. Eddward had found himself coming down with a rather nasty flu during the passed weekend, and was hoping he could just push through. He hated to miss his classes, even if he had finished a good chunk of the homework in advance. He hated having his perfect record tarnished from a small sickness.

Still, he knew he was in no shape to go, as he could barely stand at the moment. His body ached and he had the worst migraine he'd ever experienced. Edd's throat was sore as well, and it hurt to swallow anything. His vision blurred from the fever and his stomach turned. This had to be the worst sickness he'd ever experienced.

He'd tried to at least get some rest, but every time he closed his eyes the room would start to spin. This in turn would make his stomach churn and he was sick of vomiting at this point. The jock's parents had left some medicine and water by his desk along with a note to get plenty of rest and water. They couldn't have at least taken a day off to make sure that happened? Edd shook his head and tried to ignore his stomach.

Kevin stood outside of Edd's door, just staring at the door bell. He couldn't believe he was really going to do this. He was going to enter into enemy territory, and check on the general. The guy who's made his life a living hell since childhood. Still, if the jock was sick it was the least he could do for him. Not that he deserved it.

Edd heard the door bell ring, coming out from the nap he'd finally been able to take, and he was not happy. It rang two more times, and he could feel his right eye twitch. Whom ever was out there better have a very important reason for disturbing him.

He thanked himself for leaving his window open so he didn't have to try and go greet his unwanted guest. "Please state your business, and it better be of importance," He yelled as loud as he could though his horse throat.

Kevin jumped at the sudden voice, but looked back up at the window and swallowed, "Uh..It's Kevin. You weren't in school today, so I was coming to check on you."

Kevin? Why the hell was he here?

"Coming to strike while your captor is sick?" Edd yelled again.

"I was coming to make sure you weren't dead or something," Kevin said and wondered how the captain could keep his snark even when he sounded like hell, "but if you want me to leave, I'll just get going."

Edd was silent for a moment and Kevin waited.

"I will be down in a moment to let you in," he said.

Edd managed to force himself out of bed and slowly made his way down stairs. He fell a couple of times, and mentally scolded himself for being unable to control his very shaky body. He finally made it to the door and opened it.

Kevin just gawked at the mess he saw before him. Edd was more pale than normal and the bags under his eyes were much darker than he'd remembered them being. He didn't look like the strong bully Kevin normally saw everyday in the hallways. He just looked so...normal. The nerd also noted that Eddward wasn't wearing his hat and his messy bed head was kind of cute. He noticed the scar too.

"May I ask what you are staring at?" Edd said as he strained to speak before reaching his hand up to where the sock hat would normally be. Any other day, the jock would have lost his shit, but today he just didn't have the energy to care, "well now you know and if you tell anyone, you will be silenced. You said you wanted to come check on me, here I am. I am perfectly fine."

His legs gave out as he said the last word and Kevin instinctively went to catch his fall. He shouldn't be doing this. He shouldn't be here. He should just let Edd get his just desserts, but the nerd still couldn't bring himself to just leave him like this.

Edd tried to get off of the red head and push him away, but he just didn't have the strength right now. Kevin put a gentle hand to Edd's head and frowned. Seemed like D had a crazy high fever right now and he could see how heavily the swim captain was breathing.

"You are going to catch my sickness if you keep touching me," Edd said, "I have not taken any sort of medicine yet, so I am still contagious."

"I'm sure I'll be fine," Kevin said looking around, "where are your parents? Why aren't they helping you out right now?"

By the look on Edd's face Kevin knew he'd hit a nerve, "The are not home. I am eighteen. I am capable of taking care of myself. I always have been. I know that look. Do not pity me minnow."

The nerd didn't even realizing he was showing any concern, but he must have been. That explained a lot about him. Come to think of it, Kevin had hardly ever seen Edd's parents home. It had always just been Edd.

He picked up the boy and put him on the couch while Edd mumbled something about Kevin not taking his shoes off being unsanitary. He made his way to the kitchen and looked for something to take Edd's fever down, much to the protesting he heard coming from the living room.

He came back finally with a glass of water and two pills. He helped the limp swimmer take the pills and held his head up when he placed the glass of water to his lips. Edd greedily took the water and drank the glass down. He hadn't realized he'd been so thirsty.

"Why are you helping me? I have done nothing, but torment you. Yet, here you are," Edd asked.

Kevin shrugged, "You're an ass, Eddward, but...even you need someone every now and then."

The expression on Edd's face softened and much to his dismay he could feel a blush creeping up. He was blaming it on the fever. That is what it had to be.

"Hey, have you eaten? You shouldn't take those pills without something," Kevin told him.

Edd rolled his eyes, "I am aware of that, but no I have not." He hadn't really been able to keep anything down anyway.

"I'll make you some soup then. Do you have noodles and stuff?" Kevin didn't cook much, but when he did he found he was pretty good at it.

Eddward nodded, his eyes becoming heavy. Kevin went to grab a wet cloth and placed it on the ravenette's head. Edd had to admit the cool towel felt nice, and made him feel slightly better.

Kevin made his way to the kitchen again to find some ingredients for the soup. He knew Edd was a vegetarian, but he could at least make noodles and broth. It took about a half hour, but he finally was finished and brought it back out to the half asleep Eddward.

He woke him up and helped him eat the soup. The captain took note of how good the soup tasted and how nice it was to have someone take care of him for once. Not that he'd let Kevin know. He handed the bowl back to Kevin and rested his head on the red head's lap.
Finally exhausted enough to sleep, he fell asleep almost instantly there.

Kevin wanted to get up and clean from cooking, but the sight of the swim captain sleeping so soundly and finally breathing normally again would not allow him to move. So he just leaned to the back of the couch and let him stay there. The nerd couldn't help but play with a few strands of hair, and Edd let it happen, enjoying the gentle touch.

Both of them would deal with the consequences of this later, but for now, this would be just fine.

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