I Loathe You

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Summary: When the shark is out-swum by his minnow.
The halls were almost empty, the final bell about to ring, as Kevin closed his locker with a clang, snapping the lock shut. He looked around for Nazz but found her talking to Marie a few feet away. Deciding against pulling down Nazz's wrath for interrupting them, he headed off for the gym. He attempted to push his glasses up, but remembered that he had worn his contacts that day so he didn't break his glasses during P.E. He chuckled at himself for forgetting.

P.E. was always the worst class of the day. It wasn't that exercise was hard for him. He was actually pretty active. He just wasn't as physically gifted as some, and he fell behind in most things.

The other reason he hated it: he shared it with a certain sock-headed individual, who, as he pushed his way into the locker room, zeroed in on the red-head.

A gap-toothed shark's grin was in place as the brunette sauntered over to Kevin. "Hello, Pumpkin."

Kevin sighed but tried to ignore the taller teen as he pulled his gym clothes out of his backpack. He was going to try and be the bigger person this time and avoid getting angry like he had in the past, shoving the simmering anger into the back of his mind.

Irritated at being ignored by his favourite dork, Eddward wheeled Kevin around and slammed him into the locker. He heard the feet of the lone boy still in the locker room retreat and the door close behind him. He grinned at the fear he incited. But as he looked at Kevin's eyes, he realized there was none hiding in the hazel depths, only defiance and anger. He forced his grin to stay in place. "I said, 'Hello, Pumpkin."

The Quiz Bowl champion refused to speak, just glaring up at the taller teen.

"You are quite precocious today, Pumpkin." He tightened his grip on Kevin's jumper. "Something on your mind?"

Kevin's face flushed with the temper he couldn't quite manage to smother. "I've got a lot on my mind, asshole. Let me go!" He pried the fingers out of his shirt and turned his back on the bully.

Edd ground his teeth at Kevin's retaliation. How dare he? He grabbed his red-head by the shoulder and spun him again. He would lie later and say he didn't know how Kevin's lip was split, but the sting on his palm didn't lie. Not hard enough to bruise, hard enough to split delicate flesh.

Kevin's sharp cry was a salve. He liked the way the red-head sounded when in a small amount of pain. He could only imagine what he would sound like when he was being fucked into oblivion or in post-coital bliss.

He pinned Kevin's wrists above him and smirked, meeting shocked and defiant green eyes. "Don't push me, Pumpkin. I'm not in a charitable mood today."

"I loathe you," Kevin growled at the swim captain, blood oozing out of the corner of his mouth. His hazel eyes were darker with suppressed rage.

Edd glared at him, tightening his grip on the wrists he held. "And I loathe you, Pumpkin," he bit out. For what you make me feel.

Childish petulance coloured Kevin's voice when he almost shouted, "I loathed you first!" The flash of those eyes and the flush on his face, blood dripping down his chin, made Eddward's body overheat with need. And it pissed him off.

Hating himself more than the emotions, he gave in and crushed his mouth to Kevin's. The red-head grunted in pain as pressure was applied to his busted lip. Eddward flicked his tongue over it, tasting sugar and copper. It was intoxicating. Despite the smaller teen's protests and slight struggle, he pulled the abused flesh into his mouth and sucked gently, laving it with his tongue. Kevin groaned at the pulling sensation, unconsciously rolling his hips against Eddward's. Panting with the effort of restraining himself, Eddward pulled away. His face was slightly flushed. He let go of Kevin's wrists but the red-head didn't try to strike him or even push him away.

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