It's A Pool Party

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By- Luckie

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"Common, let's go, let's get outa here" Edd was pulling on Kevin's hand, hardly giving him time to get ready for the day. He was unusually chipper and ... giddy. Nothing about this situation made sense to Kevin. Edd always kept his composure, he was cool and collected, never to excited, and never to upset. Yet here he was, last minute plans to spend the day together and Edd was, in every way he possibly could be, excited.

"Forget the bike" Edd lead Kevin to his own car, a black 89' Trans AM. Kevin smirked to himself, Edd really thought this death trap was safer than Kevin's own 12' Yamaha street bike. Kevin looked at the primer paint job and the rusting undercarriage. Edd smiled into the rear-view mirror, he had bought a custom one, with skulls all around the mirror.

As soon as Kevin's door was shut, Edd was off. The car had power and Edd used all of it. Zero to forty in a matter of seconds, it didn't take long to get out of the cull-De-sac. "Where are we going?" Kevin finally asked when they entered the on-ramp to the freeway.

Edd reached over and flicked at Kevin's head. They spend on, road getting eaten up beneath the car, passing everyone they came across. It was relaxed, Edd loved to drive his car, and Kevin enjoyed watching the world pass outside the window, quietly, and with grace.

They got closer and closer to the city, and before long, Edd parked it in the Museum parking lot. He took the keys from the ignition and looked to Kevin. "Bodies Revealed opens today in the science museum. I might have picked up two tickets for us." Edd was smug now, content with himself as a smile span across Kevin's face.

They toted around the museum all day. Edd became mystified by the exhibit, they even got in to the iMax movie. In the afternoon they went there separate ways for a bit. Edd was really into the anatomy and Kevin wanted to check out some other parts of the museum.

"Don't get lost, Pumpkin" Edd winked at Kevin, who rolled his eyes. He'd been here so much as a kid it would be nearly impossible. By mid afternoon, they were both done with it. They met in the lobby and walked out hand in hand.


"Nat's throwing a party tonight." Kevin stated as they drove, reading the text on his phone that invited the two of them.

"What for?" Edd asked, shifting lanes, he liked Nat's place, he had a pool.

"His ... birthday?" Kevin wasn't sure.

"Hm?" Edd was looking for clarification to Kevin's confusion.

"Yea his birthday is July twentieth."

"It's the beginning of June." Edd noted, "I bet he has a second one planned. This is more than likely a last minute affair. I don't think it will require a gift."

Kevin texted Nat back that they were going. Edd pulled into Kevin's drive way. "Grab your swim trunks and we'll head over."


Nat's party had started much earlier in the day and was already in full swing upon there arrival.

"Oh ho, my favorite couple, here for my birthday!" Nat called to them from where he was perched oh the hot tub, he held up a martini glass in there direction as a greeting. Edd laughed to himself, Kevin had a shy smile on. Nat was always his closest friend, while he was the biggest social butterfly, he could easily see the good in everyone, he saw that Kevin needed his support, and he stuck up for Kevin. They became very close in middle school and in high school they stayed consistent with each other. Recently they spent much less time with each other, but the space came happily. Kevin looked to Rave in the hot tub, who looked wildly upset to be where he was, but his glances at Nat didn't go unnoticed. Kevin made his way over to them.

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