Let the Ed Out of The Bag

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By- TattyGuts

Summary: Eddward kinda reminds Kevin of a cat.
When it comes right down to it, Kevin had always thought Eddward was rather much like a cat. Not the domesticated, homely pets, no; but the powerful, deadly predator of the wild. Yet, a cat nonetheless. It was in the way he stretched so languidly during long hours of class. It was in the way he stared at competition with those unblinking, sharp eyes. And it was certainly in the way he was now draped across Kevin's lap, so assertively and imperiously demanding his attention.

Admittedly, Kevin was a little startled when he saw the swim captain push open the doors of the isolated basketball gym and stalk towards him (almost soundlessly), a purposeful look in his eyes. The bleachers of the gym was a place Kevin would retreat to on the rare occasion he finds himself in need of peace and quiet, away from the noise and hassle of the cafeteria and his friends. He would usually spend that time flipping through his notebook of blueprints and sketches, burying himself among the calculations. No one would bother him there, particularly because none knew he were there at all.

So when the creaking of the doors dragged him back to reality, he couldn't say he wasn't unnerved to see those predatory eyes locked onto his. Kevin fumbled with loose sketches and snapped his notebooks shut just as Edd came within an arm's reach. For a wild moment Kevin couldn't decide if he was going to be attacked (they had both agreed to keep their relationship on the down low -at least for now- for high school was a place of cliques and bias and the last thing they wanted was rumours spreading; the swim captain still threw insults across the hall and harassed him against the lockers), and as Edd made a sudden movement to reach forward, Kevin tensed, bracing himself for what could have been a painful blow -until he felt warm heaviness settle itself (almost comfortably) across his lap.

This was... not what he was expecting. His usually guarded partner draping himself horizontally upon his lap in the basketball gym was not what he was expecting at all.

Edd sighed through his nose, but remained silent otherwise, seemingly content with his position.

Almost cautiously, Kevin allowed first one hand, then the other to settle onto Eddward's back. Still no response. Unsure of what to say at this bold display of affection, Kevin slowly rubbed circles with his hand, in a fashion he thought would be soothing. And it seemed to do the trick as Edd shifted, leaning ever so slightly against his stomach. Encouraged by this, Kevin reached around and placed one hand on Edd's arm, close to but not quite directly against his boyfriend's face.

"-tired, Edd?" he inquired at last.

"....hmm." Another quiet sigh.

Kevin decided he wouldn't push him, and instead allowed his other hand to boldly wander to his partner's beanie. Sensing no protest, he slid his fingers underneath the hat and gently ran his fingers through the soft black locks of hair. What followed was a tiny, barely audible rumbling noise that seemed to emit from deep within Edd's throat.

Kevin froze, slightly wide-eyed as he registered what that was. Did he just...purr??

Intrigued by his new find, he continued his maneuvers and was rewarded with another long, resonating purr. If he had thought his boyfriend was feline in his ways before, he was even more so affirmed now. He's practically a cat.

Eddward seemed not to mind as he allowed Kevin to continue petting him, eyes closed in a relaxed, almost blissful, state. His purring was now almost uninterrupted, save for perhaps an intake of breath here and there. He sighed again, though this time it sounded a lot less weighted than the ones before.

Kevin smiled.

"You know, I find it rather cute that you purr."

The purring seemed to stop abruptly. But when Kevin leaned down and placed a light, almost unnoticeable kiss upon the top of the beanie, it started back up, hesitant at first, and then more steadily as Kevin resumed stroking his boyfriend's hair.

For a long while they stayed that way, just enjoying, being.

That is, until Kevin decided to actually sing the song that has been stuck in his head since Edd's actions.

"Soft kitty, warm kitty,

Little ball of fur.

Happy kitty, sleepy kitty,

Purr, purr, OW OW OW OW!"


It was about a week later that the bite mark on Kevin's lap would finally fade; and another week more before Edd would allow him to touch his hair again.
Halloween-ish one-shot posted today cuz I'm gonna be busy tomorrow...

Okay I'm just gonna leave now...bye

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