Pour Toi

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By- LaviraRose

Summary: (none)

(A/N: LONG LONG one-shot so be prepared)
Oddly enough, it begins with that hat.

"I'm so fucking tired of his shit!" Nazz seethes as she slams her books on the table across from Kevin. He looks up from his textbook on engineering and raises an eyebrow, signaling her to continue and she does so eagerly. "So, who do I run into on the way to school today? Not only Double D and his little gang but Sarah."

Immediately Kevin's stomach twists uncomfortably, which is pretty pathetic when you think about it. Although Eddward Vincent, otherwise known as Double D, has never physically hurt Kevin, his friends certainly have and he does go out of his way to make the boy's life a living hell.

Kevin has always been the subject of bullying but never anything quite like this: no groping or ordering him around the way Edd does, mostly beating him up or stealing his homework. Edd is another class of harasser, however; he likes mindgames and uses words like other boys use weapons. He's actually smart - brilliant, really - and his intelligence makes Kevin feel like he's one big experiment to the boy, like a puppet and Edd has all of the strings.

He's never outright vicious to Kevin, never even really mean, more teasing and condescending but that's somehow much worse. At least with the other bullies Kevin knows what to expect, knows how to respond, but he never knows with Edd.

Kevin looks at his friend closer, takes note of the slight smear of mascara under her eyes and the messiness of her hair. His chest tightens. "Shit, Nazz... Did she fight you or something?"

Nazz sniffs, slightly indignant, but Kevin sees right through it. Maybe they didn't brawl but girls can cut deeper with words than even Plank can manage with his fists. He watches the movement of her throat as she gulps and the swell of water at the corner of her eyes.

Kevin puts up with a lot of shit but he can't sit back and watch someone hurt his friends - especially when she's not only his best friend but the girl he's been crushing on as of late.

He takes a shaking breath through his nose, jaw clenched and fists shaking with restrained rage. "This is too much," he growls closing the textbook.

She takes her seat across from him but doesn't meet his eyes. It hurts to see her like this, her brightness dulled by stress and fear. Her teeth abuse her already dry lips. "We should get payback."

He scoffs.

"We should!"

"And how do you propose we do that?"

She sighs.

"That's what I thought."

Nazz huffs and suddenly bites through the skin on her lip so that a drop of blood surfaces. Kevin becomes distracted as her tongue flickers out to catch up the blood and feels his stomach drop. Blushing, he grits his teeth.

"I wasn't supposed to... tell anyone," she says lowly and he shifts uncomfortably. Suddenly Kevin is very afraid that she's been hurt worse than she lets on. "You know how I'm friends with Marie?"

"Of course - clarinet girl," he replies, referring to the instrument she plays in band.

"Also, Edd's best and perhaps only friend."

That certainly catches his attention. "I'm listening."

"Well... one time this came up - I'm not sure how - but apparently he wears that hat for a reason."

"Shit, what do you mean?"

"I'm not sure. Marie said that-" she twists her lips in frustration. "I don't know how to explain it. She was extremely vague. It's like - I can't tell if he's hiding something or if it's like... a security blanket, or something equally stupid."

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