A Kiss with A Fist

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By- Peach Creek

Summary: Kevin and Edd love each other but have a very...unique way of showing it.

WARNING: Minor sexual content.
Kevin stood against the wall, panting. A bead of sweat slid down his forehead and in between his eyes. It tickled. He wiped at it with the back of his hand, a hand that came away smeared with blood. He watched the blood mix with the shining layer of sweat on his skin, swirling into jagged patterns, and laughed. Bracing his hands on his knees, he laughed loudly and with abandon, his sides aching with the effort.

It had started with a kiss.
"Eddward, I really need to study. Please keep your hands to yourself, just for a little while."

Kevin swatted at the pale hands that attempted to slip under the collar of his shirt. Truth be told, he was already perfectly familiar with the materials spread out across the desk. He just wasn't in the mood for whatever it was Eddward had in mind. Kevin intended to prolong the inevitable for as long as possible, but he knew it was only a matter of time before the brooding teen called him on his bluff. Sure enough, less than five minutes later Eddward's hands were tugging at his shirt again. Kevin sighed heavily, grabbing those probing fingers and lacing them into his own.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"My, my, Pumpkin. You certainly are sassy today. You and I both know that you had that material memorized days ago. You are as prepared as you will ever be, and I am quite certain that you will pass your exam with flying colors." Eddward wrapped his hands around Kevin's wrists and pulled.

Kevin fell forward onto Eddward's chest, his eyes bored and unimpressed. "And just what do you propose we do, since you won't let me study?"

"I have a few ideas."

Eddward's hand trailed up the back of Kevin's thigh; the redhead rolled his eyes. Ignoring Eddward's soft noise of complaint, he stood and straightened his hat. He turned to walk out of the room, but Eddward's hand shot out and caught hold of his ankle. Kevin sighed again, trying to gently shake the hand off.

"I'm not in the mood, Edd."

"I don't recall asking if you were in the mood."

Faster than Kevin could process, Eddward was on his feet and pressing his boyfriend up against the wall. His fist bunched around a clump of soft, red hair, and he pulled, exposing Kevin's neck. He dragged his tongue up the smooth skin. Kevin squirmed, voicing his protest through low growls in the back of his throat. His hands came up to push on the taller boy's chest.

"Come on, Eddward. Leave me alone. I don't feel like it."

The grip on his hair tightened, becoming painful, and two slender fingers slipped under the waist of his jeans. Eddward massaged the sensitive skin stretched across the hollow at Kevin's hip, teasing a gasp from unwilling lips. Kevin pressed his hips forward, his body giving in to Eddward's advances despite his better judgment. He hooked his fingers through the belt loops of Eddward's jeans and pulled, closing what little space remained between them. He shook his head free of Eddward's grip and pressed up for a kiss. Eddward reversed their position, allowing Kevin to press him into the wall. His hands reached down and deftly undid the button on his own jeans. Rolling his eyes, Kevin sank to his knees and took the zipper in his teeth, pulling it down slowly and deliberately. Eddward groaned in anticipation.

Kevin held up a finger and said, "Just a quick one."

Eddward laughed and set his hand on his boyfriend's cheek. "Whatever you say, Pumpkin."

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