Chapter Twenty-Five; Happy Endings are Stories that Haven't Ended Yet

Start from the beginning

            “Roger, put that down and listen to me for Christ sake.” She snapped, taking the document out of my hand and scanning down towards it, “This is Louis’s, what are you doing with his file?”

            Her eyes shot up to meet my gaze; I gave her a small grin.

            “I’m not the only one hiding things, Brenda.” I mentioned, “I went through the work you did last night because I was actually waiting for you back at the hotel but you called saying you were staying late because you had extra work. If you aren’t aware, I’m the one who tells the head just what amount of work you need. So, I did my own snooping around and I found that you are bailing the contracts.”

            I’m not sure what gave her the idea to suddenly ruin everything I had put in for this management though I wouldn’t be surprised if it was due to my affairs. I was never really faithful as a man―a cheater is always a cheater; it’s just how it goes. That doesn’t mean I don’t love her and care for her. I also know a lot more about mind games than anyone else does. Not to brag or anything―but I’m a really smart man. If I really wanted this to stay hidden from Brenda, I would have worked my ass to it. But, part of me just didn’t mind because it is who I am.

            Then again, I didn’t have much care for anything right now.

            Just Harry and Louis splitting for good―and once Harry sleeps with Emma, everyone knows it’ll be one because Louis wouldn’t be able to forgive that, teens―they think love revolves around sex.

            “And you know what,” I added another smile crossing my lips, “I’ll make sure they don’t end because they need to last―even then we won’t be needing Emma any time soon as of later on tonight so―actually, yeah, break them. You’re only doing the work that would have been assigned after tonight.” My grin got wider, “This is why I married you, always one step ahead of me, dear.”

            She frowned, a horrified look on her face, “What did you do?”

            I couldn’t help but chuckle.

            “Roger, if you’ve done something to ruin the love between those two―I swear to god I will make sure you get fired!” She threatened.

            I starred at her and deepened my eyes into hers, “Oh? Are you now?”

            Brenda swallowed not saying a word.

            “This is how it’s going to go down,” I started, “I put something in Harry’s drink, he’s with Emma. He will crave more alcohol―in which he isn’t allowed to have because he just got out of the hospital. The alcohol will swipe his memory for the night leaving him to give in to what Emma wants―sex. And then by that time Louis should be in New York only to―”

            “No!” She shouted, cutting me off and taking raging steps towards me. “You call Harry and tell him to get out of New York and back into the hotel now, or I do it, Roger!”

            “Let me get to the good part,” I said calmly, “You or anyone else tries to terminate my plan―I will make sure you get fired and get reported to the governor’s office as a useless an unreliable employee which in smaller words, the only job you’d be able to get is somewhere at McDonald’s or Burger King―isn’t that lovely? Always wanted to see your gorgeous blonde hair in a hairnet,” I played with a curl that fell from her high bun.

            She smacked my hand away and I couldn’t help but smile at her.

            She shook her head hard, “You’re disgusting.”

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