Chapter Sixty-Eight.

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"Are you purposely taking your time?" Klaus threw back over his shoulder, side stepping a tree as he went. He was leading us through the forest towards Ray's pack that he had finally managed to beat of him. When Stefan and I had gotten back from Mystic falls -after having to stop once or twice to sate my hunger- Klaus was done. Ray was unconscious, sprawled across a pool table, with various wounds seeping. If he hadn't have been a stinking werewolf I would have finished him of then and there. Although overlooking the werewolf side of him, he smelt just as appeal as a regular human, just with a twang of wet dog. But that could easily be ignored. KLaus wouldn't have been happy but did he really even need him anymore? I doubt it. He's got the whole pack instead.

My eyes trained expertly on Ray's stiff, beaten form that hung limply over Stefan's shoulder. I could still smell the blood and it was making my mouth water. I was starving and I was quickly growing annoyed with this pointless trek through the fucking woods. I hated every moment that I was being forced into nature. The flies and up-lifted roots were the obvious indication that Nature wasn't overly fond me of in return. Not that I cared but it would have been a tad more tolerable if I was tripping over nothing every couple of steps. Fucking trees.

"Maybe if you carried your own baggage we'd be able to keep up." Stefan replied with a grunt as he hoisted Ray further up his shoulder. I watched in amusement as every step that he took jolted Ray's body away from him and I snickered loudly as he began to slide down his arm.

"Why? Are you struggling?" I teased.

Klaus' fast pace paused as he waited for Stefan and I to catch up but just like Klaus, I paused. I was keeping my distance for a reason. I was bored . . . and lazy. I don't want to help, I shouldn't have to. If I'm being forced to follow him around for the rest of my life, I'm not doing his dirty work while i'm at it, unless it'll benefit me in anyway. And carrying Ray? Not beneficial to me. Right now.

"You know," Klaus started with a smirk. "if he's getting too heavy for you, Lillian or I'll take him."

"It's Lillie," I deadpanned.

Klaus rolled his eyes. "Like it makes much difference."

This time I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"I think I preferred you with your emotions." He said.

I flashed to Stefan's side and grinned at Klaus. "Really? I hated you with my emotions. Now I'm just impassive."

Klaus pursed his lips and nodded, accepting my words. "We're wasting time." He gave Stefan a rather hard pat on the back, mindful of Ray, and continued leading the way.

"Stefan," I said with a growing smile.

He glanced at me and grunted, "what?"

I batted my eyelashes, "Carry me?"

Up ahead, Klaus chuckled. I ignored him though and kept my flirty eyes on Stefan. He cocked one of his large eyebrows high and shook his head.

"Does it look like I have enough room to carry you?" To emphasis his point his shrugged his shoulder and Ray's limp head fell to one side.

"You're a vampire." I stated.

"So are you," He returned.

"What's your point?" I sighed.

"My point is - my answer's no."

I rolled my eyes and barged past him, skipping up to Klaus's side. "Klaussss,"

So, as it turns out the male vampire's are assholes who must secretly be best friends and enjoy seeing me in pain or suffering - not that it's real, but you get the picture. Klaus refused to carry me and I was forced to trek deep into the woods with people who have turned out not to be any fun. Maybe I should have just stayed behind in Mystic falls, that would have been enjoyable. I'm sure bumping into Hollee would make my day. I wonder what kind of other weak attempted insults she could throw at me. Thinking back to yesterday, they really were pathetic and frankly I was surprised to see her so weak, especially after having known her almost all my life. But it was far from too entertaining to question at the time. It was probably the most fun I've had since leaving with Klaus - wait! No, Killing Andie surpasses it greatly. That was fun. I remember that before, when I was human -and boring- I used to judge Damon on the people he'd killed, I used to think that he was better than all of that gory shit, but I was wrong. Killing Andie and feeding like I was supposed to was one of the most satisfying feeling I have felt my entire life. I didn't care that I used to know her, I didn't care that she had a life; people who cared about her, all I did care about was that fact that she was my food. She was created to feed people like me because vampires were created superior, so why not indulge? I know why. Because of the stupid humanity that we have. It sucks and is completely unnecessary. We shouldn't even be given a choice. That's what makes humans weak. They're humanity presses down on them, constantly urging them to do right. It sucks. It's no wonder I was such a bore before. I mean, how could Damon care for someone who was nothing compared to him. Why would he lower himself to being with a human and how was he able to control himself around me. When we were together I never once got the feeling that he wanted to feed from me. Not once. Even though I think that it's weak of him, I can't help but be impressed also.

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