Chapter Sixty-Six

Start from the beginning

"A bar." Klaus replied. He looked down at his watch and tutted. "We're late. Both of you get back in the car. Stefan in the back, Lillie you can have the front."

"Really?" I asked. "You're not going to lock the door when I try and get in are you."

"Tempting." Klaus said before settling himself behind the wheel. He shut the door and looked at us expectantly through the window.

"Who are we meeting?" I asked. Walking close to Stefan and Klaus as we entered a dingy looking bar. From the outside it looked almost abandoned, and definitely run down but inside was another story. It was busy, lively. There was a live band in the far corner playing some kind of rock music and a dance floor had been allocated near the front of that. The people here really like dancing. It was crazy. I couldn't make out separate dance moves, they all just seemed to mingle together, randomly to the music. And it was like that everywhere. The bar was crowded and the three barmen behind were being slung orders left, right and center. I was impressed with how they were managing to keep up with it all.

"Why don't you get a drink. Have some fun." Klaus yelled over the music before pushing his way into the crowd, leaving Stefan and I standing in the doorway.

"Did he just tell us to have fun?" I questioned loudly.

Stefan nodded.

I watched as his eyes zig-zagged around the room, watching everyone. "You can go and wait in the car, if it gets too much."

He gaze dropped to me. "And leave you alone in here? I'm fine."

"I can look out for myself, plus, this is my scene." I said with a smile. "Hollee used to sneak me into places like this, granted they were waaaay more sophisticated but every now and then we'd find ourselves in a bar just like this."

Just talking about Hollee made me sad. I missed her, I really did and this was something that we had always enjoyed doing. She'd always been a bit of a drinker although now she's got a valid reason behind it. Being a werewolf must suck.

"You haven't spoken about her much recently."

"We haven't spoken much recently." I pointedly said.

At least he looked guilty about it. "Forget it Stefan. It's fine now."

I know that he didn't believe me and that's good. Because it's not fine. I'm still hurt that he spent the first nearly four months ignoring me. Even though i'm not quite over it yet, I'm also not going to hold it against him forever because he was doing it for a good reason -stupid and annoying but still good. I hoisted my up higher and then grinned at Stefan. "Well, i'm going to get a drink. Klaus did say have fun and who knows when we might get this much freedom again."

I sauntered over to the bar and managed to push my way to the counter. I pushed myself to my tiptoes to try and see over the people blocking my way but I knew that someone would be down this end soon.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. "Sorry, Miss but you're cutting."

Dammit. I smile slyly and reached out letting my fingers trail down his chest. At least he's attractive. He had dirty blond hair, the kind of dirty that isn't just a kind description of light brown hair, no, his hair really was dirty. He was covered in paint, his hair, his face, his clothes. We wore baggy overalls and big worker boots. He really is attractive.

"I'm sorry." I apologised. "I'm new to town and haven't been out in a while."

His dry lips turned up at the edges where he has a little smudge of yellow paint. He looked down on me as he towered over my small frame. And then he looked behind me. The barman was waiting for me to order. I glanced over at blondie and he grinned. "Let me buy you a drink."

Imagination is the key (stefan, Damon love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now