Long John Silver

Start bij het begin

“Woah!” Jim said staring at the blob. “Wha-?” he started when the blob floated up and looked him right in the eye. Jim laughed and continued. “What is that thing?”

“what is that thing?” the blob mimicked.

“He’s a morph.” Silver explained when Jim touched it. It separated and came back together as a smaller copy of Jim. “I rescued the little shape-shifter on Proteus 1.” Silver explained. Morph licked Jim on the face and floated over to Silver and rested on him. “he took a shine to me. We been together ever since. Right? Yeah nice boy.” he said holding him close to his face.

“We’re about to get underway. Would you like to observe the launch, Doctor?” Mr. Arrow said from behind.

“Would I? Does an active galactic nucleus have superluminal jets?” Delbert said excited. Mr. Arrow sighed and Delbert stood up strait embarrassed. “I’ll follow you.” He said pointing out.

“Mr. Hawkins and Ms. Doppler will stay here, in your charge, Mr. Silver.” he said blocking the way for us to leave the galley. Silver began to choke and cough taking a sip of this soup.

“Beggin’ your pardon, sir but--” Silver protested.

“Captains orders!” Arrow cut in forcefully. “See to it that these two are kept busy.

“Aw, but, no, but--” Silver attempted.

“No!” I said getting cut off by Jim.

“You can’t--” Jim said. We all sighed and looked at each other.

“So, Captain’s put you two with me, eh?” Silver said walking around us.

“Yeah.” I said calmly.

“Whatever” Jim said angry. Silver suddenly smiled.

“Well who be a humble cyborg to argue with a captain?” he said walking back to the counter again working on more food.

“Yeah,” Jim said rubbing his face. He looked over to a barrel full of purple purps and picked one up. “You know, these purps, they’re kind of like the ones back home.” He paused and I followed him.

“On Montressor.” I caught on to what he was doing and blurted out.

“You ever been there?” Jim looked at me and cracked a small smile. Silver continued preparing things.

“I can’t say as I have Jimbo.” he replied facing the other way. Jim took a bite out of the purp and sat on the counter.

“Come to think of it, just before we left, we met this old guy, who was um” Jim said thinking of something to say.

“He was kind of looking for a cyborg buddy of his.” I finished for him. He looked at me and back to Silver.

“Is that so?” Silver said calmly.

“yeah,” Jim said not convinced. “What was that old salamander’s name? Oh yeah, Bones. Billy Bones?” he asked watching him carefully.

“Bones? Bones!?” Silver asked as he pored steaming water out. He shook his head. “T’ain’t ringin’ any bells. Must have been a different cyborg.” he said walking towards us with a pot. “There’s a slew of cyborg’s roamin’ this port.” he said smiling. Jim eyed him closely when a distant whistle blew.

“Prepare to cast off!” Mr. Arrow yelled from on deck.

“Eh, off with you, lads, and watch the launch.” he said pushing Jim away from the counter as if he didn‘t want us there. “They’ll be plenty work a-waitin’ for you two afterwards.” Jim put his hands in his pockets and stood still watching him. I touched his arm and he turned and started walking toward the stairs. “We best be keepin’ a sharp eye on this one, eh, Morph? We don’t want him strayin’ into things he shouldn’t.” Silver said to himself watching us disappear.

“We’re all clear captain!” yelled the small alien watch man with many little eyes above us from the top of the mast.

“Well, my friend.” The captain said to Mr. Arrow. “Are we ready to raise this creaking tub?” she asked.

“With pleasure, Captain.” Mr. Arrow agreed. “All hands to stations! Smartly now! Loose all solar sails! Heave up the braces. Brace up!” he ordered out. Suddenly everyone raised from the ground loosing gravity.

“Mr. Zoff, engage artificial gravity.” The captain ordered the same alien we ran into when we first stepped foot on this boat. He said nothing but loud farting noises, and pushed a lever down and everything fell back to the boat. “South by southwest, Mr. Turnbuckle, heading 2-1-0-0” Amelia ordered the man at the wheel.

“Aye Captain. 2-1-0-0.” he repeated turning the wheel.

“Full speed, Mr. Arrow. If you please.” Amelia asked calmly.

Mr. Arrow turned to a small tube and yelled down it. “Take her away!”

Jim and I looked at each other excited ready to leave.

“Brace yourself, Doctor.” Amelia warned Delbert.

“‘Brace yourself’” he mimicked when the jets kicked in and he flew back and hit the wall behind them. I stood by the edge of the boat looking down.

“Christy! Get up here! This is amazing!” I heard Jim say. I looked up and he was sitting on the shrouds of the boat. “Come on!” he said again. I smiled and started climbing up. We both looked forward and say all types of creatures flying around.

“Whoa!” We said together as we spotted a Orcus Galacticus.

“Upon my word, an Orcus Galacticus!” Delbert said excited. He pressed a button on his suite and a camera came out in front of him. “SMILE!” he said leaning over the boat.

“Uh, Doctor, I’d stand clear--” Amelia tried to warn him, as it blew slime out of its blow hole right on Delbert. Amelia smiled and giggled.

“Ah. ‘Tis a grand day for sailing. Captain, and look at you. You’re as trim and as bonny as a sloop with new sails and a fresh coat of paint.” Silver said standing on the deck below her and bowing.

“You can keep that kind of flim-flummery for your spaceport floozies, Silver” Amelia shot back at him.

“Spaceport floozy, spaceport floozy--” Morph mocked in the shape of her. Silver quickly captured him in his hat and put it back on his head.

“You cut me the quick, Captain.” Silver said nervous. “I speaks nothing but me heart at all times.” he bowed again.

“Nothin but me heart.” Morph copied while floating us taking Silvers hat with him. Silver smacked his hat back down onto his head and laughed nervous. Amelia looked at him annoyed, and looked up spotting us.

“And, by the way, isn’t that your Cabin boy and girl aimlessly footling bout in those shrouds?” she asked frustrated.

“Yep, it--oh…” Silver paused and apologized. “A moment aberration, Captain, soon to be addressed.” he turned to us and yelled out. “Jimbo, Chris!?” we both looked over to him smiling with delight. “I’ve got two new friends I’d like you to meet.” we both started looking around then back to him. “Say hello to, Mr. Mop and Mrs. Bucket.” he said throwing a mop and bucket at Jim and laughing.

“Yippie.” we said together with our moment of delight over.

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