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~Jerome's POV~

I woke up in a dark room, last thing I remember was coming back to Bethany and I's room with surprise smoothies then in the hallway getting hit over the head with a solid metal thing and passing out. I looked next to me, I don't know this person. I looked over to my right, it looked like Beth. I used my legs to try and nudge her awake. It worked and she blinked awake.

"Hey baby are you okay?" I asked my voice carried traces of worry.

"What's the last thing you remember? Oh and yeah I'm fine you?"

"Head hurts a little. I remember coming back with our surprise smoothies and getting hit over the head with something metal."

"Ahh, good plan Mitch. Hit the man over the head with the bottom of the sting gun then shoot the woman and make her pass out from pain." She said.

"Holy shit Beth! A sting gun? Where?" I panicked.

"Middle back, no pain. Must be chloroforming us every.....5 hours. Kept us down until he wanted to face us." Beth said.

"But why Mitch, your brother?"

"Because that person on the other side of you would be the real Mitch. I can't believe that I was fooled like that. I know exactly who did this. It's all my fault!" She cried and tears streamed down her face. "I should of never believed his lame excuse of being gay for strangling me because he loved you! I did this!" She yelled. Half rage half self rage.

"Shhh baby it's okay. We will get out of this, let me wake Mitch up. But is Mitch really his name? The one who brought us here?" I asked.

"Yeah would you please and his name is Rick." She said. She sniffed and looked down again. She was devastated.

~Bethany's POV~

How am I so stupid? I dragged everybody I know into this. Mitch, Jerome, Adam, Ty, Jason, they will be in the crew. Everyone. I sobbed into my lap. People were going to suffer because I was scared one day. But Rick was going to treat me wrong. He was going to make me his sex slave. Use me in ways unimaginable. I was at war with myself. Should I have dragged everyone into this and have meet Jerome. Or should I have accepted the offer and never meet the love of my life? Grr I was so confused!

"Who's there?" Someone asked in the darkness across the room. I peered in, but to no avail. I started to squirm out of the handcuffs easily. I popped them off, I was bleeding..? How strange... I looked at the cuffs again and saw it, the circle cuffs had a square of thin glass floss. It was sharp, and I mean really sharp.

"U-Uh I asked who's there?!" The voice called again. I looked over. The voice seemed scared, I stood up against the wall, stumbling back a few feet into the light of the only light in the room, and even then it was dimmed.

"Well I'll be damned... Lilly..?" The voice asked, it started setting off memories. I just didn't know where from.

"Not another one of these...." Jerome groaned.

"You shut the fuck up or I will keep the cuffs on you and what's your name?" I asked the voice at the end, my voice getting a bit nicer when I did so.

"Uh... Can I answer 'the guy who's so sorry he was tricked into giving Rick the backstory and all the answers he wanted in a false promise of his little sister's safety'?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yea, it works. I guess... Mitchell." I said. I rapidly cursed as I started to fall back down.

"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!" I hit the ground hard, a little halo of dust rising around me. "Owww." I bitched. I sighed, my legs aching. I gently crawled over to Jerome and slowly undid his handcuffs so that the glass fiber wouldn't cut him. I got them undone and he had no floss, or no anything for that matter. I sighed softly. My hands felt shaken and unstable. My breath ragged and legs aching. The room was dim and no one knew what was next.

"Damn, this is like a really bad horror movie." I said with a chuckle.

~Hey guys! I hope you liked this! I have a simple request, follow me on Twitter please? @ANewDawnOfBooks would be me! Added "bonus" I give hints and tell whenever I update! Anyway again hope you enjoyed! Bai!~

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