From Wanting A Cure, To Needing One.

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After we had our fun with me being able to see we all sat down in the living room. 

"We might need to see a doctor about your eyes." Dawn said. I nodded, I was fine with it, as long as Jerome would be there. Me and him were a thing, Mitch seemed sad though, oh well I guess he was worried about not getting to spend as much time with him as before. 

"Yeah, I mean I guess it is not normal to be blind then just be able to see again." I said. We talked and Dawn had already made the appointment, It was tomorrow. 

~Magical Time Skip To Next Day, Ohhhh like spooky pants!~

Me and Jerome were driving to the doctors office, it was way out on the other side of town. We talked and joked, no one could make me laugh like Jerome could. When I laughed at his jokes I was always under control. Not to loud but not to quite. He was also very funny. We pulled up about 5 minuets early. We walked in just when we were being called. Jerome said he would wait out in the lobby. I went in to see the doctor's office and told him what was wrong. He ran tests and when we were done he told he that he had just tested for cancer. He then told me I could go home. I went home un-easily. That means I could have cancer. I told Jerome and he tried to cheer me up. 

"Don't worry about it hon, it is just a precaution." Those words stuck in my mind. Only to be found un-true later that week.

~DUN DUN DUUUUN! Sorry had to. So anyway, minor cliffhanger, So on that note, bye blood and happy hunting, just remember Slendys to old and Jeffs mine. Bye!~

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