The Nightmare

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~Jerome POV~

We got back to the hotel and I was so happy. The woman I loved agreed to marry me. I fell asleep quickly on the soft white hotel bed. 


I was sitting in the middle of our room. It had been ? years. Today was the day that no video was up. No lights in my room. The only sound was crying. I had a poem for her. I do because I know she listens. To set it down would be useless. I read it aloud.

"Dear Bethany,

It has been a year. I found a song you would love and laugh at for days until your throat hurt, just like you used to. Rachel had a baby girl last week." My voice broke "She has your eyes, and your hair. Her name is Bethany. Rach belives some of your soul lives in her. That would mean that someone will get to smile at her every day. Like I was able to. Someone will get so pull pranks on her dear old uncle with her, but she will cry when she finds out who she was named after. And your legacy. She was born on your birthday. Same time and every thing. She is so hyper. They released Tests 4. It was not the same as it was when I watched the first one with you. I know you want me to move on, but I can't. I loved you, and we had something special." I sobbed and my words choked up. "They wanted to take your wheel chair again, but other than Bridge To Terabithia it is the only thing that reminds me of our happy moments. They all think I am so crazy, but I really have to do this. Adam, Dawn and Cody are great. They went to Disney World. I wish you could see the picture of him. Your brother I guess. Ty and Jason are now wearing rings of engagement. I still wear your wedding ring on my other hand. You fought hard and you would come back if you could. I want you to know I miss the smell of your perfume. How you always danced to every song. I cried at the ceremony of the wedding for Rachel and Taylor. But I wish I had a shoulder to cry on. Your shoulder. I want you to know something from the bottom of my heart. I have only said three truer words to you,  

I miss you Bethy." 

I woke with a start and I was sweating. I put my hand over my heart and looked next to me, Bethany was laying there sleeping peacefully.

~LOL! I GOT YOU ALLL!!!!!!! HAHA! I had you going for a while right! You guys probs hate me but, BUT I never said when that was going to happen! Aren't I evil! Bai!~

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