chapter 2

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Surprisingly, I managed to pull myself together and I made it to work on time.

I saluted Roy Mustang. "First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye reporting for duty, sir"

"Good morning, Lieutenant Hawkeye" the Colonel replied, clearly in a good mood.

"I'm glad to see you're cheerful this morning, sir." I said, sitting down at my desk.

"How could I not be, Lieutenant? I'm going to marry the best woman in the world!" He laughed.

Suddenly, an orange haired figure ran into the room and saluted to the Colonel.

"First Lieutenant Jean Havoc reporting for duty, sir."

"Lieutenant Havoc, late as always." Roy said "So, what's on my schedule today, Lieutenant?"

"All you have today is a check in with the fullmetal alchemist later today."

He sighed. "Yay, fullmetal is going to be in my office, again."

"You sure complain a lot for someone who claims to love their job." Havoc scoffed.

Hours went by before it was lunchtime.

I sat in the mess hall with Lieutenant Colonel Hughes and second Lieutenant Maria Ross, the only girl who was working in Central headquarters besides myself. Colonel Mustang decided to skip lunch to finish his work so he could leave early to take his fiancée out. The sound of it left a terrible taste in my mouth.

My thoughts were cleared when a photo of Elysia Hughes was dangled in front of my face.

"Isn't she the most precious thing you've ever seen?" Hughes gushed.

"Adorable, Hughes" I sighed.

"Where's Roy?" He asked, pushing up his glasses.

"He's finishing up his paperwork so he can take Scarlett out."

"Rumor is their getting married." Lieutenant Ross said, putting a spoonful of macaroni and cheese in her mouth. I felt sick.

"Yes! It's about time Roy settled down, get himself a family. It might make him happier." Hughes chimed in.

I looked down at Black Hayate at my feet and tried not to cry. Then I realized I needed to get away from here, now.

"I need to go feed Black Hayate." I replied, standing up.

"Okay, seeya Lieutenant Hawkeye." Hughes smiled and waved.

I walked out of the mess hall, Black Hayate at my side. I got a safe distance away and leaned against the wall. I closed my eyes.

Roy Mustang is getting married and there's nothing I can do about it. All I have to do is accept it, but it seems like that's not going to happen for a long time.

"Lieutenant Hawkeye?"

I turned around to Edward and Alphonse Elric. "Oh hey boys, are you here to see the Colonel?" I asked.

"Sadly." Ed replied.

"Okay, follow me." I replied, walking the two kids to Colonel Mustang's office.

Edward Elric is the fullmetal alchemist, the youngest and one of the most talented state alchemists in Armestris. His younger brother Alphonse wasn't far behind in his talent either. Both of them can transmute without a transmutation circle, an ability most state alchemists can't pull off. Not even Roy Mustang, the flame alchemist himself.

Ed, Al and I made it to Mustang's office. I opened the door and saluted. "Company, sir."

Colonel Mustang put down his pen. "Is it the pipsqueak and his brother?"

"Who are you calling a pipsqueak!?" The fullmetal alchemist screamed, running past me.

"Brother, no!" Al called, running in after Ed.

The Colonel laughed. "I guess it is. Thanks, Lieutenant."

I saluted again and left the room.

After I brought the Elric brothers to the Colonel, I remembered why I left the mess hall. I felt the tears start to fill my eyes again.

I went to the most private place I could think of, the restroom.

I went into the women's restroom. A restroom that was always vacant because second Lieutenant Ross and I are the only ones who use it, besides the female officers that visit Central command.

I went into the last stall and locked the door tight.

That's when I collapsed into an ocean of tears.

"Damn it, Riza. Pull yourself together." I whispered softly, wiping tears off my face. I've never cried this much before in my life. Not even when my father died. "Damn you Roy Mustang." I feel so vulnerable because of you.

I'm the strongest sniper in Amestris, but I'm crying over a boy.

I calmed down 5 minutes later and headed back to Mustang's office.

"Lieutenant Hawkeye?" Roy asked. "You're never late."

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Apologize when you get as bad as Havoc."

He stood up and put his military coat on.

"I'm leaving early. If General Raven comes looking for my paperwork, it's right here." He pointed to a stack of papers on the corner of his cluttered desk.

"Right, sir."

"Are you okay, Lieutenant?" He asked, concerned.

"Yes, what makes you ask?"

"Well, for one you're late. You're never late and two your face is red, it looks like you've been crying."

"I'm fine, sir."

He walked up to me. "I know something is bothering you, Lieutenant. We've known each other for a while now. I can tell."

I just stared into his eyes.

The Colonel put his hands on both of my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. "You don't have to tell me. But i'll be here if you want to talk, okay?"

I nodded and rested my head on his chest. I wanted to hug him back, but my subconscious told me to not get too comfortable, because at the end of the day, he's still hers, and he always will be hers.

I felt something vibrate and Roy backed away from me to pull his phone out of his breast pocket.

He looked at the caller ID and smiled. "It's my Scarlett... I have to go, I'm late!" He looked at me. "Call me if you need anything, Lieutenant. We're friends after all."

Friends. "Okay, sir."

"see you tomorrow bright and early." He said, starting out of the room. He wasn't looking where he was going and tripped over Havoc's vacant chair. He hit the ground hard.

"Be careful, sir. I don't want to protect you from chairs now."

He stood up and brushed off his uniform. "Very funny, Lieutenant."

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