Dark inside (Harry Styles) 5

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(( A/N: Hiii, here's chapter 5! Im going to make Harry's POV!! sorry if it took so long, it's because i was writing it and i was almost done when my laptop crashed, and i forgot to save it, smh. Vote, comment and keep reading♥ Sophie xx ))


I stopped  running, and the panik took over. I stood still on the road for a couple seconds before black dots covered my eyes and i dropped to the ground. I heard the car coming closer.

But i couldn't move. 


 ~ CARA´S  POV ~

I think the car hitted me. And now im probably dead, because it feels like im flying. Wind is blowing in my face. I want to open my eyes and see if i really am dead, but i just can't. It feels like my eyelids are glued together. I can't open my eyes, so i try to open my mouth to scream. Just too see if i can.

A small noise came out of my mouth. And then the wind that was blowing in my face stopped. And now it feeels like im falling.

I falled down on something hard but at the same time soft. I heard a bone crack somewere in my body. And then i felt a pain in my hand. And it hurts so much that i don't remember how hard it was to open my eyes. I started to scream in pain and roll around. I don't even know where i am, but i think im in the forest because i feel leaves under my body. I tried to stand up, but then falled down again. I opend my eyes, first i saw little blurry because of my tears.

When my eyes cleared i saw..


The last thing i wanted to see right now.

''What do you want from me?!'' I cried out. He didn't answer, he just stood there and watched me cry in pain.

I stood up and started too run.

I stopped after what felt like hours of running, and leaned my back against a tree trying to catch my breath. I thought too my self   'I think i lost him'. But I was terribly wrong. I saw him stand infront of me.

He tilted his head to the side as he watched me. He showed no emotions at all. We stared into eachothers eyes for a couple seconds.

Then a devilish grin growed on his face.

''You can't hide. I'll always find you.'' He said with that deep voice. He started to step closer and closer.

I closed my eyes. A wind blowed on my face and then i felt a pair of hands place me down on something soft.

I opened my eyes to see my room.

What? Did i just dream all that? No. Harry did ask me to go to prom with him, and i said yes. And that confusing picture in his room.. And his eyes! They were compleatly black! But i must take a closer look on that picture, so i must first of all actully have the picture to do that. So.. i must take it from him. I sat up from my bed and walked to my door and opened it. I looked around, just to be sure that Harry really left. 

Then i walked down stairs to check if my mom was home.


This will be the first time i would be out this late.

I walked back up to my room and changed my clothes. Black skinny jeans, a black t shirt and a black beanie.

I walked down stairs and putted on my black converse. I opened the door and walked out. I locked the door and started to walk a bit, then i realized that i forgot my jacket. And it is pretty cold.. Ugh.

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