Caught On Sight

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It has been 7 days since i published. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Everyone had taken turns with watching for any danger and sleeping. It had been a restless night but they made it through.

"YOU GUYS!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!" Theodore yelled "There's land!!!!!!."

"There is??? Where???" Kathleen asked

"Right there!" Theodore said

Everyone looked over and sure enough there was land. It was probably an island since it didn't stretch out far and it looked small.

"Okay you guys. This could be a military base. This is an uncharted island so be careful." Julian said and then reached into a bag. "Here I brought a few guns just in case we needed to protect ourselves. Now always keep it on safety and never look into the whole at the end. So does everyone know how to use one?"

Julian looked around the group.

"Do you?" Julian questioned again

"Yes." Amelia said

"Sorta." said Aaron

"And you two." Julian asked looking at the twins, Kathleen and Theodore.

"We never had to. We always had security." Kathleen said

"Okay. You ALWAYS hold the gun with two hands. When you're ready to shoot you take it off safety like so." Julian said while demonstrating "And then you look through the rear and front sight and line it up with your target and pull the trigger. If this is a military base everyone is going to know how to shoot a gun and they are going to be good at it so you probably have one shot. So don't waste it."

"Okay." Kathleen said

"We're approaching the island. Everyone stay close together and try not to shoot yourselves." Julian said

They got the raft close to shore and then they jumped off and ran onto the beach. When they got to the forest they slowed there run and started to jog toward's the center of the island. 

"Why did you have all those guns, Julian?" Amelia asked

"Because you four are all missing children, You are wanted by Guide-On Industries, and you are friend's with Lilith who is also wanted by Guide-On Industries and she is way more valuable than you guys. Also G.O.I wants you two for some unknown reason." Julian said pointing at Kathleen and Theodore.

The group stared at him but couldn't stare for long for they heard yelling. They walked closer to were the yelling had come from and were greeted by fisherman and ships.

"That's why this place is uncharted...It's a fishing dock." Julian said

"Hey look that one say's Germany on it. Maybe we could sneak in there and hitch a ride." Theodore said

"Wow Theo you actually had a decent idea for once." Amelia said

"Okay so how are we going to get to the ship?" Kathleen asked

"Thanks Kat, you always have to find a flaw in my plan." Theodore mumbled

"That's easy. We simply walk over there." Julian said

"Aren't you supposed to be the secret spy of this group." Amelia asked

"Think about what's going to look more suspicious. A couple of kids sneaking towards a ship or  a man in a suite leading four wanted kid's onto a ship where the can then be taken to Germany and sent home." Julian said

"Okay let's go." Kathleen said 

The group walked out of the forest with Julian in the lead. But it wasn't long before one of the fishermen came up to them.

"Excuse me but what are you doing here." he asked with a strong German accent

"Sorry sir I just found these kids wandering in the forest and i couldn't help but notice that your boat says Germany on it so i was thinking we take them to Germany and then we take them to the police for coming on a private island." Julian said

"This is a resort. People are supposed to come to the island." the fisherman said

"Well they were in restricted area. I mean wouldn't want them to climb aboard your boat and be stow away's now would we." Julian said

The fisherman thought about it for a few seconds before answering.

"Alright. You can bring them on this boat right here." He said leading them to a yacht.

"Thank you for helping me." Julian said and climbed on the boat.

"Julian." Amelia whispered "did you read the side of the boat."

"No why would i need to." Julian whispered back

"Well it says police and i am pretty sure you just got us all arrested." Amelia said raising her voice



Hey i haven't published in awhile so i tried to make this chapter a bit longer.

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