The Truth

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"Absinthe Vaughn......what do you mean Lilith held up her end of the deal?" Aaron says stuttering a little bit

"Well I mean exactly what I said Lilith and I had a deal and she held up her end so know I'm going to hold up my end." Absinthe looked behind her "You can come out dear"

Slowly but surely Lilith walked out. The entire group gasped.

"You're.....alive." Kathleen says stuttering as well

"I'm so sorry guys. I wanted to tell you but I couldn't she gave me an offer I couldn't refuse and the price was leading you guys here." Lilith says shaking with fear of being in the presents of Absinthe and all of her friends

"And what was this offer." Amelia says glaring at Lilith

"I would.....I would get to meet my birth parents." Lilith says stuttering

"Was it worth betraying your friends?" Theodore snaps

"Yes it was actually.....You guys meet my mom." Lilith says looking behind her at a gravestone "I got closure. I now know that she didn't leave me somewhere because she didn't care. I was put into the system because she died."

"Yes Lilith's mother died" Absinthe says in a tone that sounded almost like jealousy

Everyone was looking at each other and at Lilith who was staring at the ground with a smile on her face.

Suddenly everyone started to drop to the ground.

Kathleen's P.O.V

I woke up in a metal room. I was hand-cuffed to a table like the cops do to people they are interrogating. I look around and realize someone else is in the room. I turn towards's just my reflection. I just begin to feel the throbbing in my head. I am worried about my friend's, are they in the same situation.

"Welcome to Guide-On Industries; Otherwise known as G.O.I. We would like to thank you for agreeing to be interrogated."

"I DIDN'T AGREE TO ANYHTING." Kathleen screamed

Aaron's P.O.V

"Hello. Is anyone?" I yell into emptiness

My head was sore. My wrists were red from struggling against the hand cuffs. Worst of all I was in a room with no one and I didn't know where my friends were.

"Welcome to Guide-On Industries; Otherwise known as G.O.I. We would like to thank you for agreeing to be interrogated."


Theodore's P.O.V

I was going to be calm and rational about this situation. I would just wait until someone came in and tell them there had been a mix up.

"Welcome to Guide-On Industries; Otherwise known as G.O.I. We would like to thank you for agreeing to be interrogated."

Screw being calm and rational


Amelia's P.O.V

"KATHLEEN. WHERE ARE YOU KATHLEEN." I had been screaming these word's for an hour. My voice was rough and my head hurt.

"Welcome to Guide-On Industries; Otherwise known as G.O.I. We would like to thank you for agreeing to be interrogated."



This chapter is dedicated to gofishie1314. She is an amazing friend and she thinks her story isn't good enough but it is amazing. She won't believe me. *sticking tongue out*

I know I mention her a lot but that's only because she is amazing. 

Oh and another thing I was wondering if you guys wanted me to do another version of the beginning of this chapter from Absinthe's point of view.

The Dead Girl: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now