Planning the Escape

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I forgot to say what the characters look like. Kathleen looks like Nina Dobrev, Aaron looks like Logan Lerman, Theodore looks like Dylan O'Brien, Amelia looks like Blake Lively and Julian looks like Dylan Sprayberry. 

"Pack a bag everyone...we're going to Minnesota!" Amelia said.

"Wait...we don't even what we're looking for," Kathleen and Theodore said at the same time.

"Yes we do. We're looking for orange slashes of spray paint on trees and then we're looking for green slashes of spray paint!" Amelia said cheerily.

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm dating you," Kathleen said in a whisper.

"You guys, if we're going to go to Minnesota and find Lilith's body, we're going to need a game plan," Theodore said.

"Theodore, you and your plans; we already know what awaits us. So why do we need a plan. I say we just wing it," Amelia says.

"I agree with Theodore, if we walk into the unknown without a plan then we're most likely going to end up with Lilith in the ground," Aaron says with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"Okay, so we'll make a plan. In fact we'll make multiple plans. Plan A: We go in and do exactly as Lilith said in the letter. Plan B: We go in and act like it's a normal day and if we get caught we run for our lives and move to Germany. Plan C: We don't go at all and go to Germany. If everything goes as planned and we only have to use Plan A; I still think we should go to Germany," Amelia says.

"First off: we're not going to Germany because...we're just not, okay? Secondly, those plans seem okay accept for the going to Germany parts," Theodore says.

"Then it's settled: we will go to Minnesota with three plans that will probably fail in the end, but we are going to try anyway," Aaron says.

When they got to the airport, they bought the cheapest plane tickets to Minnesota and hoped their parents wouldn't find out that they all left until they got to their destination. Good news: the flight was only a hour and forty-five minutes. Bad news: they had to drive six hours to get to the Lake of the Woods.

The Dead Girl: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now