Lake of the Woods

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"Name," the security guard says.

"Absinthe Vaughn," Kathleen says .

The others gawk at her.

"You may enter," the security guard says.

The friends silently cheer.

"So, we know that Absinthe Vaughn is or was a customer here," Theodore says.

"Let's stop stressing over the clues for a second and be happy that we got in; Kathleen, how did you know to use that name," Aaron says.

"It was quite simple really. I knew that we came here because the supposed murderer buried Lilith's body here and the only name we have is Absinthe Vaughn so if that name hadn't worked then we would know that they weren't the killer, but if it had worked then we would know they were the killer and we would be inside. So I was just killing two birds with one stone," Kathleen says as if it was the simplest answer in the world.

"So that entire thing was based off of a theory," Theodore says.

"Yes," Kathleen says realizing she could have could have ruined their entire operation because of a little theory she had.

"Well, it was the best theory in the world," Theodore says with a smile.

Everyone lets out a breath. They were all expecting Theodore to start yelling about how improbable and risky it was.

They pulled around the roundabout and were greeted by a cheerful employee.

"Hello my name is Lily, and I will be escorting you to your room; but first could I have your name?" Lily asked.

"Absinthe Vaughn; and I brought a few friends with me," Kathleen says.

"That's fine. The more the merrier!" Lily says.

"Yeah, I guess," Kathleen replies.

"Do you have any luggage?" Lily asks.

"No, we're just staying here for a little bit," Kathleen answers.

"Okay; well, right this way to your room."

The group follows her into the lobby which is huge. It has a very modern theme with everything being a square. A lot of things are glass or are white. They walked across the room to the glass elevators. When they got in, Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen was playing.

"Interesting choice of music," Theodore says in a rude tone. Kathleen nudges him in the arm. She knows he doesn't like Queen but he didn't have to be so rude about it.

"Yes, we like to play the old songs because most of our guests like them better then the new modern music," Lily says.

The elevator stops at floor 10. Lily walked out of the elevator and led them to a room. Room F13. Of course they would get a room that pretty much stood for bad luck. They all saw it as Friday the 13th.

"Here is your room, and I hope you have a nice stay at the Hotel of the Lake of the Woods," Lily said, and then turned away but quickly turned back. "Oh I almost forgot: don't go on the Lassen Trail...EVER. Bye!" Lily said with a smile and then left for good this time.

The Dead Girl: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now