Illegally Entering

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"What do you mean we have a problem?" Amelia asks "Is there someone following you? Is Absinthe here?"

"NO. It's nothing like that. It's just that apparently there is going to be extra security be the Lassen Trail." Aaron explains

"So then why were you out of breath? It looked like you were running from someone Theo" Kathleen questioned

"Oh Aaron just bet that he could beat me to the door and I won."

"Are you guys kidding me I thought you had killed someone" Amelia says with a lot of aggravation in her voice.

"Amelia they were just having some fun." Kathleen says calmly "Now we have to wait until nightfall so we can break into a highly radioactive sight!!!"

"Yay I also wanted to cross "breaking and entering" off y ILLEGAL THINGS I WANT TO DO IN MY LIFE bucket list." Theodore says, his voice dripping with sarcasm

Amelia, Kathleen, Aaron and Theodore were standing against a fence waiting to cross the border (metaphorically speaking). A guard passed them and they made their move. One by one they made their way through a small hole in the fence. When they were on the inside they started the search for an orange slash of spray paint.

"HEY YOU GUYS I FOUND SOMETHING" Aaron whisper shouted

Everyone walked over.

"Okay so we found the first slash know we just need to find the other's" Kathleen says with a hint of doubt plaguing her voice

"Wait there all in a line right there. This was easier than a thought." Amelia says relieved.

They follow the slashes until they stop.

"Oh come on know we have to look for a green slash, in a forest, in the dark." Theodore complained.

"Stop your whining and woman up Theo. If I have to listen to you complain it's going to be a long night." Amelia says

"So it's a green slash but it could be neon green for all we know." Aaron says trying to lighten the mood

"It's neon green you guys" Theodore says pointing a few feet away

"Okay does anyone else feel like this is way too easy" Kathleen says

"I do what should have taken us hours is taking us minutes" Aaron says

"Come on you guys did none of you know Lilith her motto was literally was the easier the better." Theodore says

"Your right" Amelia says with a sigh of relief

They all started to walk towards the green slash. When they got there they realized it was an arrow pointing to the other slashes. They followed it.

"Well thank goodness you all decided to show up. I was beginning to think Lilith wasn't holding up her end of the deal." A voice said

"Who's there?" Amelia said feeling brave

"It's Absinthe Vaughn"


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