Picking Apart

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Before I write this chapter I want to give a huge thank you to @gofishie1413. She pushed me to publish something and I am very thankful for that.

"Let's try to figure out this letter," Kathleen suggests.

"First off: how did she know to write the letter if she didn't know she was going to die?" Theodore asks.

"Maybe she was just being cautious. Like, she knew something bad was going to happen to her but she didn't know what," Aaron suggests.

"That's probably what happened. Let's get to the most confusing part: Absinthe Vaughn. Who the heck is that and why did she murder Lilith?" Amelia says.

"Well, we know Absinthe is an assassin and assassins are usually hired to kill people. So Lilith was someone's target. She offended someone to the point where they wanted her dead and we all know she offended a lot of people," Aaron said.

"She also moved around a lot. Wait, didn't she live in Minnesota at one point?" Theodore asked.

"No, she lived in Michigan. So we have to rule that out as a theory, but why the Lake of the Woods?" Aaron asked.

"Maybe it has some connection to Absinthe Vaughn?" Kathleen suggests.

Everyone looked over at Kathleen with a look of disbelief. None of them had thought of that but it was the most likely explanation. The Lake of the Woods had no connection to Lilith but it had a connection to Absinthe Vaughn. Some connection and they were going to figure out what that was.

"Kathleen, you're a genius," Amelia said before she kissed her.

"How could we not have thought of that? Vaughn has a connection to the Lake Of the Woods," Theodore said.

"Looks like we have some snooping to do,"Aaron said with a smile.

Everyone had a smile on their face now. In this moment of happiness, where one of their best friends hadn't just died and another hadn't lied to them. The moment was cut short when they came back to reality. The waves of emotion hit them.

Despair. Sorrow. Emptiness.

The Dead Girl: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now