Chapter Seven - A Model and Returning "Home"

Start from the beginning

        "But what?"

        "But it would be such a waste to let a perfectly good meal go to waste, wouldn't it be?"

        "She's not a meal Misty."

        "Oh really now? If she's not a meal, then what is she pray tell?"

        "That's classified information that I'm not going to give up."


        Misty began to walk towards your body again, ignoring the glare Matt was giving her. She stopped her advance and began to back up with a look of pure disgust on her face. She glared at you and then to Matt. A long slender finger pointed pointed to you and then to the direction of the castle. Matt continued to stand motionless with an expression of boredom that could only rival his father's. The model did the motion once more, but she still didn't gain a response from the tall blond man.

        "She has his scent on her."

        "Yeah, so what? That doesn't exactly tell you much."

        "No, it doesn't, but it tells me enough to know that I don't like her."

        "Aw, are you going to cry because you can't get even within spitting distance of him, and she can get as far as to have him touching her? To have him hold her flush against his own body, caressing her softly as he places gentle kisses down her neck? If you think that's what he does with her, then you have another thing coming you hussy."

        Misty's eye twitched at the name. She had been called that before by a human photographer that had been captured, and let's just say that he didn't live to see the light of day the following morning. Matt had crossed the line with her this time, and she wasn't about to have any of that. She placed a thumb and index finger to her mouth, using them to create a loud whistle. A flock of models soon surrounded Matt, Al, Kuma, and yourself, of course you were not aware of this.

        Matt bragged his hockey stick from its holder and got ready to fight. He turned his body to face Al, who had still been standing behind him. He looked on mortified as he did a quick head count of about seventeen models. Matt lowered his head so that his forehead was touching the other male's. His gaze quickly settled on your limp body, making sure that no model was trying to sneak up on him.

        "Take (y/n)," he spoke into Al's mind.

        "Who?" Al inquired through the same form of communication as Matt.

        "The girl that's unconscious. Her name is (y/n), but you need to take her away from here, now."

        "What?! Are you nuts?! I can't out run them!"

        "Oh, yes you fucking can. I've seen you playing night baseball with all your buddies, and you can outrun all of them. Therefore, you can fucking outrun a bunch of models in high heels. You need to do this, and you need to do this now. Listen closely Al. You're going to grab (y/n) and run like all of hell is on your ass. Don't stop until you get over the ridge and past the meadow three-fourths of the way out of the forest about fifty miles northwest of here. Hide out that way with the girl in a tree or something until I come get you guys."

         "Alright, but those models probably heard all of that!"

        "No, they didn't."

        "How can you be so sure?"

        "It's an old mind trick. I don't have time to explain so get (y/n) and go!"

For Eternity (Vampire! 2p! Italy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now