Chapter 52: Torn apart?

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Emma's POV:
Xander and I grew closer and closer each day. He'd take me on dates and call me Emma Banana every single minute. And I'd blush non stop. Half of the summer holidays were already over, and that meant that I had less time with my Xandy Candy.

Xander and I were currently eating breakfast.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I said and stopped eating my plate of eggs.

"But you have to eat something baby." Replied Xander and grabbed the fork with eggs.

"Xander, don't ." I pushed him away.

He looked confused. "Emma what's wrong? Should I be worried about something?" My boyfriend asked and intertwined my hand with his.

I sighed. "It's just... In 3 weeks we have to go separate ways again. I don't want to." I avoided eye contact.

"You're the sweetest. Do you think I wanna let you go? If I could, I'd hold you in my arms forever." Xander rubbed my back and involved me into a big hug.

I felt tears escaping my eyes. I didn't want to cry. A sob escaped my mouth.

"Hey, hey..." Xander began to wipe the tears out of my face.

"Don't cry. Please? Let's just enjoy the time we still have together okay? What about a date? Tonight in my cabin? We can watch movies and so on." He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Sounds great. I love you Xandy Candy." I smiled at him.

"I love you too, baby girl." He played with my hair and then we just stares at each other for a moment.

"But now, finish your breakfast." Xander pointed at the still full plate.

"Yes dad." I rolled my eyes and giggled.

The rest of the day I didn't do much. I was out with Lou, going for a walk.

"You two are just a perfect couple." Lou said happily.

"Thank you." I replied and smiled back.

We talked for a while. I'm so glad to have a her as my best friend.

It was already dark outside, so I made myself ready for my date with Xander. Since the date would be in his cabin, I just changed into a hoodie and leggings, and pulled my hair into a messy bun.

I called Xander, but he didn't pick up. Mailbox. "Xander, I'm on my way, pick a movie already. Give me 2 minutes." With that, I hung up.

I already could see the Grizzly cabin. The door was open, which confused me. I heard yelling.

I ran into the cabin to find Xander... With his dad.

"You're coming with me, now! Go pack your stuff, you little brat!" Shouted his father.

"Hey, leave Xander alone!" I said and grabbed Xander's hand.

"Oh, you're still with blondie? Well you better say goodbye to her. I'll meet you outside in ten. And hurry." The head of Xander's dad went red like a tomato.

"Why is he here, Xander? What does he mean with 'goodbye'? Tell me, what's going on?" I asked  and we sat down on his bed.

"Emma, I really do love you okay but I have no choice." He looked broken. I recognized blood on his forehead.

"Xander..." I just stared into his eyes and waited for an answer.

"My father wants me to go home. I can't stay here any longer. I'm sorry." I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"No, you can't just go! Please, stay here. Your father can handle it at home, he doesn't treat you right! Did he do this to you? You know, your forehead?" My eyes filled with tears too. Was Xander serious?

"I have no choice! He needs me at home. I have to go. He's my dad after all. And the blood on my forehead is not a big deal,really. I- I already packed everything." My boyfriend stood up and grabbed his suitcases.

"You can't just leave, Xander. I need you. I love you. What if I won't see you again? I can't live without you." Tears started to roll down my face. Sobs escaped my mouth.

"Don't cry, baby girl. I love you so much. We will meet again, okay? Come here..." He pulled me into a long, tight hug. He gave me a last passionate kiss, before he grabbed his suitcases and got into the taxi.

Goodbye, Xandy Candy...

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon