Chapter 21: C'mon Xander!

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Emma's POV:
Xander still hasn't asked me to be his date for the dance night yet... I'm freaking out already!

"It's been 3 days since the announcement. And the dance is in two days. Maybe Xander just doesn't want to go with me..." I said while eating the second chocolate in a row.

"Emma, that's ridiculous! Maybe he only waits for the right moment between you two? Today's your second date with him, at the camp fire, right? It's pretty romantic there, if you ask me." Lou replied and grabbed a piece of my chocolate.

"Maybe your right, Lou..."

"Hello? I am Lou! I'm the head counselor, of course I'm right." She laughs.

2 hours later•

I was just done with my hair and got my mascara out, as someone knocked on the door.

"Xander is pretty early, isn't he? He should be here in half an hour." I opened the door, Lou shrugged.

"Caleb, what are you doing here?" I was annoyed.

"Nice to see you too, beautiful!" He smirked, and walked in.

"You know, I'm still mad at you." I started and began to pace around.

"That's why I came here. I'm really really sorry and I really do regret what I did. It was not okay." Caleb came closer to me, I stepped back.

"Caleb, I just can't forgive you that quickly." He followed me wherever I went.

"You forgave Xander. You seem very close again. At least that's what I recognized so far." He argued.

"Yes, but that's completely different, Caleb." I snapped back.

"No it's not."

"Yes, it is!"

How long did he want to continue this conversation?

"It's alright if you don't forgive me today. But... I hope you can someday. And until then, I'm waiting, Em. Just wanted you to know that. And oh- have fun on your date with Xander." Caleb smiled, gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and went out.

"What... was that?" Lou asked confused, just as me.

"If only I knew." I replied. This was a completely different side of Caleb. Again. I don't know what I should think of him... But whatever, maybe he's just acting weird.

"Knock-knock!" Xander smiled and came in.

"Hey Xander!" I grinned and hugged him.

"You look... Absolutely stunning!" He gasped and took my hand.

"Same about you." I blushed. Okay may I add that he really is handsome. Like, so handsome!

"Shall we go?" He asked.

"We shall." I smiled and we went out.

We sat down by the camp fire, Xander put out a huge blanket out of his basket and covered us inside it.

"Really nice." He said, kind of nervous.

"It is, for sure." I replied back, snuggling onto his chest.

"So... Emma." Xander began. My heart was beating so so fast, you can't imagine it!

"Yeah?" I asked, my voice was shaking.

"Here's your Spanish book. Sorry, I already wanted to give it back yesterday, but I ended up learning the whole night. Pretty confusing, this language." He giggled.

"Oh, uh, no problem. Gracias, monsieur."

"That was half Spanish, half French." He laughed and pulled me closer to him.

"I didn't say I am good at Spanish." I giggled and friendly punched him on the arm.

Will he ever ask me out?

"Oh and Emma" Xander added.

I looked up at his gorgeous eyes, which I could get lost in forever.

Please ask me. Pleeeeaaase!

"I wanted to ask you if you would like to-" I couldn't wait anymore, so I interrupted him.

"Yes, I'd love to!"

"Seriously? Awesome! When will we start our Spanish lesson?"

"S-Spanish lesson?" I stuttered.

"Yeah. You just said you'd be my tutor. I mean, you interrupted me, haha." He laughed his cute laugh, but I just couldn't.

"Oh... Your tutor. I-I don't know. In two days is the dance night so." Hint, hint, Xander! HINT!

"Let's meet up tomorrow for the first lesson, if that's okay? You already have a date?" He asked.


"No, actually, I have not." I smiled. Hoping for the question to come I waited the whole week for.

"Well the boy will be so lucky to go to the dance with such a wonderful girl."

Was. He. Kidding. Me?!

"Hmmh." That's all I got out off my mouth.

I had enough. I really had enough. If he doesn't want to go with me he just can say that, can't he??

"You know, it's already pretty late, I gotta go." I said, standing up, to be surrounded by the cold air again.

"It's 7, um-" Xander stuttered and looked surprised.

"Good night, Xander." I replied while walking off.

"Night..." I heard him mumble.

When I arrived in the Woodchuck cabin, I fell down on my bed, didn't care changing into my pajamas, and soon I drifted into a long sleep.

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now