Chapter 16: Difficulties

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Emma's POV:
I didn't feel that comfortable seeing Hazel around Xander.

Wait, but, why would I even care? He doesn't like me, for sure...

I decided to go to the Grizzly cabin. I needed an advice of my brother Ravi.

"Hey Ra-" I stopped when I entered. I completely forgot that Xander was there with Hazel, watching a movie.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to rush in and... I should go." I mumbled something like this, I didn't dare to look at Xander.

"Yeah, Em, you should!" Hazel giggled and glared at me.

I was about to go, when I heard my name.

"Emma, c-can we just talk for 2 minutes?" It was Xander, who else? Why would he want to talk to me? I thought he hates me?

Just keep walking Emma, do not turn around now, that would  make  everything even worse.

"Are you ignoring me or something?" Xander kept walking after me.

I didn't reply.

"I thought you were different..." He said quietly.

Okay that's it!

"No! I thought you were different! You pretend to be so kind, so nice to everyone, you pretended to like me, b-but you're just... You are..." I shouted at him, not even caring that a crowd of campers was around us now.

"I am what, huh? What are you talking about!? Are you out of your mind?? I never pretended to like you! I actually try so hard to get you to notice  me!" He immediately shouted back.

"Oh, I noticed you! You can be sure about that!" A single tear rolled down my cheek, I tried so hard to hold back the tears.

"Can you please tell me what's wrong with you? Why did you change in like just one day?" He got closer, I stepped back.

"No, how could you change in just a blink of an eye? I thought you'd like me, for who I am. For who I am inside. But I was wrong. You lied. Everything you said to me was a lie. You're history!" I replied with tears streaming down my face. I began to walk to my cabin, as I heard him whisper

"I shouldn't have fallen for you..." But I wasn't sure if I got that right.

Ravi was nowhere to be seen, also not Zuri, or Lou.

I decided to skype with my brother Luke, who spent the summer in summer school.

Please pick up, please pick up!

"Albert Einstein was born... Oh, hey Em!" He looked up from his school stuff, placed all over his room.

"Hi Luke!" I fake smiled.

"Sister! How's camp?"

"Horrible, you know, it all started with the first day, when..." I told him everything about what happened in the last week.

"And you want an advice from me?  Wow, I appreciate that." He grinned.

Luke may be not the cleverest in our family, and he may be annoying most of the time, but after all, he's my brother. And I know I can always come to him, when I have problems.

"Yeah, I hoped so." I replied.

All of the sudden, Lou rushed into the cabin.

"Emma! We have got a huge problem! I'm serious!"

"Luke, this is my best friend Lou." I introduced her.

"Hi Lou!" He waved at her.

"Freckled boy." She greeted back.

"What's the problem?" I asked confused.

"It's Xander! He wants to leave! He wants to leave camp and go back home!"

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now