Chapter 46: Spit it out!

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Emma's POV:
I couldn't sleep the whole night. I always had to think about Lou. Why did she lie?

Absentmindedly I was walked to breakfast. But then, I saw Lou walking by.

"Lou, hey wait! We have to talk!" I shouted after her. She walked faster and faster, as if she wanted to avoid me.

I ran up to her. "Lou."
Just then, I saw tears streaming down her face.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" I asked worried.

My best friend shook her head.

In the next moment, someone was kissing my cheek.

"Xan-" I froze when I turned around and anger grew up in me.

"What do you understand by 'I'm not free, Caleb?!"

He chuckled. "I love you too, Princess."

I felt a hand touching mine.

"Emma Banana, there you are." Xander's smile grew, but faded away quickly after seeing Caleb next to me.

"Okay, I just wanted to talk to Lou, please give us some minutes, okay?" I asked and smiled at Xander. He froze and seemed kind of nervous.

"I... I don't think that's a good idea, is it? I mean, y-you need your breakfast..." Xandy Candy stuttered.

"Um, Im sure it won't take forever. Do you have a problem with that?" He really did confuse me. All of a sudden his mood changed and I didn't even know why... Yet.

"Bye then." I smiled at Xander and Caleb.

"Okay, back to you, Lou." I sighed.
"Why were you crying?"

It was the first time this day, that she actually looked me right into my eyes.

"I-I... Xander-" she stuttered. Her head was red and her eyes puffy.

"Xander? What's with him? Was he mean to you or something?"

Lou shook her head no. Then, she continued.

"I-I'm so sorry that I lied about Xander and you, I didn't mean to! But I didn't know what to do or to say..." More and more tears began to roll down her cheeks.

What? What happened to Lou? She was out of her mind. I never saw her like this before. She's the toughest girl I know.

"Just spit it out, Lou. It can't be that bad." A little smile grew on my face. Oh boy, it could be more than bad!

She took a deep breath. "Okay, I-I'm just gonna say it. Right now. To you."

She made me feel kind of guilty. I don't know why, but she did.

"Something happened between me and Xander!" Lou spoke out.


"Oh boy..." I heard Xander mumble somewhere behind us.

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now