Let Me Say Goodbye To All of You Come Back Safe With Everyone (FINAL CHAPTER)

Start from the beginning


Out of the blue, I felt a pair of muscular arms and upper body around my body. I looked up to see Natsu pissed off.

"He-hey ho-hon... Wh-what's wrong?"

"You get that habit from that little brat of a  stripper.. The two of you get the same master for your Ice Maker magic and this happens.." Natsu told me, looking down at me.

"So-sorry.." I stuttered, blushing as I looked down.

I heard him sigh and felt something go around me. I look up to see Natsu putting my new jacket around me. It was the same as the blue sweat I had, but this helps keep my demon down by a lot. It was red-violet color. It was a nice color of you ask me.

"Just keep this on... Please? I don't want anyone to see the marks I made.."

I sighed and kissed his cheek. "It's okay.. I told you that it's okay, so don't worry about it. Please?"

"I'll try to.."

"Looks like Elfman and Evergreen got here.." Lucy said as we all heard the to fighting.

"Juvia! Get off me!" I heard Gray yell out as Juvia was hugging him to death.

"I'd listen to him, Juvia.. He's turning a bit purple.." Lisanna said, chuckling nervously.

Ignoring them, I started to look around for Wendy and Mest.

"Where we they..? They should've been here already.." I muttered out, worried.

"I'm sure that they're on their way here, (Y/n). Wendy wouldn't miss this at all!" Lucy reassured me. I nodded and sighed.

"(Y/n)! Natsu-sama! Lucy-sama!" I heard Wendy yell. I looked to my side to see Wendy jumping into the air, hugging me. I hugged back, smiling.

"Wendy! You made it! I'm glad that you did!" I told her, setting her down.

"You don't have to add a '-sama' in the end of our names. We told you that Wendy. It's not that we don't like it, it's that it feels weird." Natsu told her.

"Ro-right! Sorry.."

"It's okay. Where's Mest?" I asked Wendy, looking at her.

"I'm right here, (Y/n). And don't worry. I'll make sure that she's safe with me, along with Natsu." Mest told me.

I still didn't feel like Mest wasn't part of the guild. He was so mysterious and creepy. I didn't like one bit. Mest can say that he's part of the guild, when I know that he isn't.

"It's okay. I'm sure that Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Erza can take care of her. Along with Gramps." I told him.

"But she is my partner. So, there is no need to worry. I will make sure that she comes back safely." Mest insisted.

"Fine. But, if Wendy comes back hurt or anything, I will make sure you pay for it."

"Snow, calm down. I'm sure that Wendy will be okay with Mest. Let's go see everyone else. Look! Levy is here!" Natsu said, trying to move me away.

"With Gajeel.." I sighed and walked with Natsu towards the two partners.

"Oh, (Y/n)! You came to see us leave?" Levy asked.

I nodded and smiled. "Yup! I also come to wish Natsu and Happy good luck. I know we're friends, but I do wish that Natsu beats you ass in this." I chuckled out.

"It's okay. I know how much you would cheer on with Natsu, so I'm sure that he'll win. But, I guess he's winning with Gajeel.." Levy told me.

"What?" She pointed to our side and I started to sweatdrop when I saw the two dragon slayers fighting. "Natsu! Cut it out!"

"Aye sir!" Natsu copied Happy.

"Hey! Don't copy me!" Happy yelled at him.

"Anyways, I do hope that you win to, Levy."

"Thanks for that, (Y/n)! It makes me fee-"

"I wish Laxus was here to see me!" Levy was cut off with Freed, crying.

"Shut it, Freed! You're embarrassing yourself like this!" Bickslow said, trying to clam down Freed.

Everyone started to laugh at Freed, which made him relax. Chuckling, I felt a pair of arms find their way around my waist. I turned my head to my left to see Natsu resting his head in my shoulder as Happy was talking to Carla and Lily.

"Everyone seems to be having a great time talking to each other..." Natsu told me.

"Yeah, they are. I remember that this is how we were. Just fun moments with everyone in the guild. The fighting, everything. But, with the new members in Fairy Tail, things got more exciting. But, the same time, we can loose them in a flash.." I told him, my smile turning into a frown. "I wish-"

"Don't think that about that (Y/n). I'm sure that everyone will be okay. 'Cause they have you and the strongest team in Fairy Tail. No one could beat us! Not even the Oración Seis could've beaten us!" Natsu told me, grinning.

"Natsu! Get in the ship! We're ready to leave to Tenrou Island! Happy is waiting for you!" I heard Lisanna tell him.

I heard Natsu sigh and move his arms off of me. I turned around to see him face to face. Natsu just looked down at me and held my hands, resting his forehead against mine.

"I'll be here waiting for you guys, Natsu. And I'll be here cheering you on." I told Natsu, closing my eyes.

"I know you will. And when I come back, I'll take you out to dinner. My treat."

I stared to smile. "I'd love to go, Natsu.."

Both of us leaned into each other and kissed one another. I moved my arms around his neck as he moved his hands onto my waist. Our lips were moving in sync with each other. I got on my toes, so I can make the kiss deeper. Natsu moved me closer to him slightly, making his lips go rougher slightly. I moaned slightly from the kiss as it was getting rough. Natsu started to move his hands towards my part, rubbing his finger slightly against it. I let out a softly moan.

"Oi! Either get in or we're leaving without you!" I heard Gajeel shout.

Natsu and I pulled away from the kiss and looked at each other, smiling.

"Flame you, Natsu. And please be careful. Make sure that you and everyone canes back. Promise me that you'll do that, Natsu." I asked him, looking at him. I felt him kiss my nose which made me blush.

"I promise that I will. You don't have to worry, (Y/n)."

Nodding, I let him go so he could go on the ship. As the ship started to go away from us, I saw Natsu getting his motion sickness.

Running to the end of the deck, I shouted, "NATSU! HAPPY! I BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN BEAT THEM! YOU CAN DO IT! I'LL WAIT FOR YOU!"

"THANKS SNOW!" I heard Natsu shout faintly. I smiled and watched him go to Tenrou Island.

Later that day, I got myself ready for Team Natsu's return... But, I never got it. I waited and wait until I got it.. the news...

The Tenrou Island group went missing... And that's when I realized that I'd been living in hell for seven years without my second family and mostly Natsu...


And that is the final chapter for the FIRST book of the story. I started writing the second book for the series. I'm not going to continue the DTKxRead series for two reasons
One; I forgot why I wrote it
Second; I need to re-watch ALL of the episodes, so yeah.. No way in hell in gonna do that.

I hope you enjoyed the first book. I love writing the story as much as you like reading t. And it made its way up to 18.3k+ reads! Holy crap! I couldn't believe it at all. Up until now, it's just saying that I should do this even more! I love you all for reading this book!

Anywho, now that you know my plans, I shall see the Demon Dragon Slayer and Ice Maker Wizard known as (Y/n) in the second book!

See ya later!

Dragon Slayer Protector (NatsuXReader) <BOOK 1>Where stories live. Discover now