Ch.9: A wedding ritual

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((Note: there is a small smutty-ish part so yeah.... Anyways enjoy! I will try to post as soon as I can but I keep getting homework so yea))

The wedding day had finally arrived. Alfred and Arthur had been separated since the morning, the spades tradition was that the couple could never and mustn't look at each other before the wedding. Arthur had been rushed into a room but Francis and his maids from diamonds, the girls and Francis chatted away and gossiped about the latest things in diamonds. They dressed Arthur up in his outfit, a blue spades coat, but it's frills had touches of pink and green. They placed a headband that had a small cute hat attached  to it on his head. Francis stood infront of Arthur and smiled,
"Mon Cher! You are absolutely adorablé!" He said with a fan boying squeal.  Arthur blushed in embarrassment, "shut up frog face!" He said as there was a knock at the door. Alfred's voice. And more voices of people struggling to keep him out of the room. Francis yelled in exasperation and pushed Arthur into the bathroom, closing the door.
Alfred had made his way into the room, all Arthur heard was Francis yelling in both French mixed with English. "Non! Tu est un bête! He's not here! you fool!" Francis yelled.
Alfred sighed. "I just...want to see him"
"Well Alfed you will have to wait until the wedding! I will not allow you to look at Mon Cher"'Francis declared. In the room new voices were heard, the other Kings. Ludwig gave a great sigh.
"I thought he would be at the alter by now! We are late King Alfred. We must hurry" Ludwig ordered as he rushed Alfred out.
Francis opened the door for Arthur and smiled. "I'm the one who will lead the wedding! But...Ludwig and Ivan have to make an oath with Alfred to keep peace. Of course...clubs and spades haven't gotten along but peace is kept through the ritual through Kings." Francis informed Arthur as he Ruffles up his hair and looked at him like a complete fashionista. Francis finally was satisfied with arthurs look and they both began walking to the alter.

The doors opened to a beautiful ceremony, people of mixed kingdoms were there to witness the Queen And King of spades marry. Arthur stood at the beginning of the white carpet that would lead him to Alfred when his Mother appeared. Her green eyes gazed at her son and she smiled kindly. "My little boy" she said in a low happy tone. She looped her arm with arthurs arm, "you may not have your father here but I'll proudly hand my baby boy to the person he loves" she whispered before the trumpets started sounding to announce the queens arrival. His mother wore a green dress, as a person of clubs. Arthur was in his spades wedding outfit.
"Le royal couplé" Francis announced, the doors opened for arthurs entrance and soon music began playing until he and his mother made it to the alter where Alfred was. He wore a beautiful blue outfit, that seemed to be layered with some type of light blue spades crests and designs with a representation of the Kings clock hanging at his side. Arthurs mother handed over Arthur to Alfred and smiled a true smile that could make anyone proud of themselves. "Take care of my baby boy" she said kindly to Alfred before she bowed and went to her seat at the side of her other sons.
Francis stood as the priest of the ceremony. "We shall now begin the ceremonies" he said as the people sat down and watched anxiously. "We will begin with eachothers vows"
"I, Alfred F. Jones solemnly swear to protect this country until my last breathe,to work with the rest of the royals as equals. I swear to protect my Queen, my partner, and be his hero at any time he needs me to. I will alway love you Arthur and I will be your git who annoys you but most of all I will always be your hero"'Alfred said as he gazed into arthurs green eyes. The crowd started slightly chuckling or tearing up a bit.
Arthur took a breathe. "I, Arthur Kirkland solemnly swear to protect this country until my last breathe, to work with the rest of the royals as equals. I swear to love you My King, my Love and be at your side to protect you. Yes you will annoy me and yes you drive me crazy but I will forever love you...My hero" Arthur said with a smile.
The crowd began clapping, Francis raised his hands to queue the people to silence.
"Do you Alfred F. Jones, son of the previous Spades king take Arthur Kirkland of clubs and Spades as your...husband? And Queen?" Francis asked
"I do"
"And do you Arthur Kirkland of Clubs and Spades take Alfred F. Jones as your husband and King?" Francis asked.
"I do"
"You may now kiss the...groom?"
Alfred leaned down and pressed his lips against arthurs, their lips sealing the Marriage ceremony. The King and Queen were now officially married!'
People began clapping and whistling and cheering. Francis raised his hands and silenced the crowd once more. "We must proceed to the Kings Oath Ritual" he announced.
"What is the Kings Oath?" Arthur asked. Alfred put a finger to his lips to shush him and pointed to Francis.
"Monsieur et madams!The Kings Oath must take place in another area, if you could all evacuate to le gardens to enjoy the tea and beautiful blue roses that only bloom in Spades" he said as he began hosting people out of the room until no one was left.
Ludwig walked up to the couple that had married.
"We must go" he said as he looked at Ivan and the rest of the Royals who had stayed.
"What are we doing?" Arthur asked. Kiku walked to Ludwigs side and slightly bowed.
"We are taking the oath to the new King of Spades. As is the tradition" Kiku informed as Francis came back.
"Shall we go?" He asked

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