Chapter 30 ❤️

Start from the beginning

I pecked his lips and he did the same back right after. "What is the real reason why you left?" Cam asks, his breath blowing against my lips, and I hesitate slightly. Is this a conversation I want to have right now? "You kinda owe it to me to tell me," he reminds me with a pout and I narrow my eyes in on him.

"I owe you shit. You boys really like to pull that card don't ya?"

"You left me and had me worried sick for three whole days. Plus I had to watch the kids alone and it was literal hell," he reminds me and I groan.

"Fine, I'll be nice. Sit down," I ordered and he did so like a happy stupid dog.

After that I went into detail about what happened over the weekend; I was basically ranting. Occasionally I would apologize for doing so, but shortly after Cam would assure me that its ok and that's what he was here for and Id smile to myself and continue.

Cameron's eyes focused in on mine and though I got nervous from time to time because of his intense stare, I still liked to see that I held his attention. I could see he didn't ask this just for brownie points and that he was genuinely interested in me, my life, and how I feel. I know I have friends that do that, but it's just how Cameron made it seem like everything I said was so important that made me so happy.

Now that I think about it, I don't think it was his attention that made me happy. It was him.

"Stop staring at me like that, Cass." Cameron made it a point to shift uncomfortably, although I know he was just playing around.

"I'm sorry you're just soo beautiful," I whine, throwing my body against his dramatically.

"As beautiful as you?" He asks hopefully. My heart swells, but I choose to mess with him rather than give into the sweet moment.

"Ummm..." I look up in thought.

Cameron snickers before leaning down to kiss me. His hands slip into my hair and he gently pulls me up so I'm at a height where he doesn't have to dramatically bend down to kiss me. I wrap an arm to pull him closer and help get myself sitting up.

"Hey, I heard—" Alyssa shouts as she pushes through the door, stopping when she takes in the scene before her. Her pale face flushes and I see her eyes go wide. "Oh my god!" She gapes. Shaking her head and looking down she apologizes, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to—I just wanted to say hi, Cass, I heard you were back and I'm sorry I didn't know..." She covers her eyes as if Cam and I were in the middle of savagely undressing one another.

I sit back and run a hand over my slightly messy hair. "Alyssa you're fine," I smile, trying to sound super friendly. "I'm happy you're here. And you don't have to block your eyes there's nothing to be bashful about."

Alyssa moves her hands and nods. "Right. I'm sorry about interrupting you two."

Cameron laughs aloud beside me and I look and him with scolding eyes. "It's fine. Really."

"Ok," she blushes, "I'm just gonna—" she motions to the door, "yeah."

"Oh, ok."

"Bye," she waves to both of us before making her way to the door.

"Bye!" I call to her and Cam does the same.

"Well she made that awkward," Cam says when she leaves and I hit his arm.

"Be nice," I frown.

"I am merely stating a fact. She knew I was here, so she made it awkward for herself and that's a fact. There is neither niceness or meanness in facts," Cameron shrugs.

"Well she walked in on her best friends making out with her roommate, so of course it's gonna be awkward!"

Cameron just shakes his head, "this wouldn't be the first time though and-"

The image of Cam making out with other girls flash through my brain and although I know he's had other girlfriends, including my roommate, I don't like having to picture it. A vivid image of Cam and Jackie making out fills my head and I outwardly cringe.

"What?" He asks, but to avoid another image of them kissing, I just shake him off. "What? I know there's something," Cam tries again and I sigh.

In an attempt to practice being open I say, "I just don't like picturing you with other girls is all and it was hard not to when you said that last comment."

"Oh," he frowns. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to honestly. I just spoke before I thought."

I nod understandably.

Cameron cups my jaw and I look up at him. "Don't think of them anymore it's not worth your time. Trust me.  I know how you feel. Imagine how much it hurt seeing you with Jack when I first came in to see you. Seeing you with Jack in person is so painful and I know imagining it is just as bad so don't worry your little head about that stuff anymore," he says, kissing the top of my head.

I smile. "Ok."

Cameron smiles back and my worries melt away with my heart. It was so hard to not fall for this boy.

The week had a slow pace as it went on and I didn't mind it. The kids were tolerable, Cameron was as charming as ever, my friends' chats were always funny, and I was happy most of all with the uneventfulness of the entire week because it meant I could actually enjoy my last days at camp. 

Tears and heartache filled up my entire day today, since it was the day the campers left, and I was all cried out. Well, at least I hope I am because tomorrow was the counselors' last day and I'm sick of crying and don't wanna have to keep running away to keep my ugly-crying face hidden from the world. But if I do have to run to hide my ugly cry, I'll have Rob to blame for my absence, since us staying was all his idea.

Although we could've easily packed up and been out today with the campers, Rob wanted us all to have a little cook out closing council celebration whatever, so we had to stay. And the only reason we all are really staying is to get that extra paycheck he promised to those who stayed, because, let's be honest, no one would stay without a bribe. We all wanted to go back to home and sleep in our beds and go on the Internet and if it wasn't for that promised paycheck everyone would leave early.

So with all the demonic children gone and only a little over a day left, the summer camp was almost over, though it wasn't close enough. I had one more party tonight I had been talked into going to and had to sadly get through. It was truly the last thing I had to push through, since I was basically forced to go—absolutely everyone was going and I was scared to be left at camp alone, so what choice did I have? Though I loved my friends deeply, I wasn't really in the mood to go to a party.

Yes, I had a nice drama-free week and the odds were in my favor, but it was hard not to think about home. I thought about my sister, my aunt, my parents, and how everyone is going to be involved and blamed and hurt. I was only going home to a whirlwind of trouble and since Aunt Amy already went ahead to LA—without Carson as an attempt to give her space from her and our parents for a while—I knew I'd come back right in the middle of a storm.

The thought had been in the back of my mind the whole week and as the days went by I thought of it more and more. Today being the worse. My heart raced at the terrible thought, my breathing got shallower, and my head ached as the not yet existing images of a fight ran through my head. This then putting me in a non-party mood; but, since I didn't wanna be alone and live out a horror movie scene, I decided to tag along to the party.

Maybe I could talk Cam into sneaking into a room and watching Netflix the whole night with me! My brain exclaimed excitedly.

But as images of Jack and I doing the same thing, and the remembrance that he and the rest of his friends would be there, I decided against it.

Looks like I'd just be laying low the entire night.


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