Classmate (Stuart Twombly)

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Stuart Twombly.

Your brother's friend. He was popular, very attractive. Still, he was a jerk. You couldn't take this off your mind. You were wondering why it was always the attractive but dumb teenagers that were popular.

You were very beautiful, but as you were smart, you weren't popular. You had one friend. And this one was normal but not popular. You weren't normal, you liked to read, to write and to be alone.
You could never be popular.

«Society is so stupid. They make dumb people popular.», you always thought.

And that Stuart. You were wondering why he was friend with your brother. Physically, Stuart was attractive. Yeah, you had to admit it. But he looked like a complete nerd.

And he was.

You knew he was trying his possible to look and be dumb, so he could be popular. You even heard one day Stuart saying this to your brother.

And this, this was the most stupid thing you have ever heard. This was why you hated him. Stuart was in your class, your brother was a year older.

One day he was making fun of you. Of course, he was enough smart to not get caught by your brother.

"You, you are a real nerd. You're a freak. A nerd with no life, focused on school and only school. Oh and your fandoms. What the hell (Y/N)? You really think that you could meet this actor? You're so pathetic, get a life.", and then this day, he continued.

That's how he started. He started by insulting you. Then he picked some random victims as innocent as you.

All you did was replacing your glasses with one of your finger then left. Everyone was laughing at you while you ran away, tears forming in your eyes, your favorite book in your arms.

Usually, you were not that sensitive. You were stronger, you didn't care. But this one hurt. Maybe because he was handsome and popular, maybe because his eyes were shining, as if he had pleasure.

The next day, you went back to school.

Stuart stared at you and smiled.

«Even more dumb.», you thought while rolling your eyes.

You were now at your favorite spot, it was outside, on a bench. Where you could be alone and read without being bothered or insulted.

Your friend was probably with her other friends. But you didn't care, you really appreciated being alone instead of hanging out with people.

Suddenly, someone walked by and sat down, his lunch in his hand. You looked next to you.

"Hi.", a familiar voice said.

Stuart. Why him?

'Can you please leave me alone ? I hate you and you know it.'

"Come on, (Y/N). I won't leave."

'Why ?', you said rolling your eyes again.

He smirked then answered : "Because I must excuse myself. Listen, I am really sorry. I'm being so dumb these days, I'm not even myself. And I realized that I don't like to hurt people. I'd prefer to be like you."

'Be yourself then, I don't care.'

"I've been a jerk. A real jerk."

'Yeah but it looks like if you had pleasure insulting me, am I right ? Your eyes were shining, trust me.'

"It's because you're beautiful."


Well well well... I don't really like this one.
Comment what you think.


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