Chapter 14--THE WEDDING DAY--part 2

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This is horrible. A girl's wedding day is supposed to be one of the most magical days of her life. Instead I'm here miserable thinking about which guy I should marry. ON my wedding day.

But unselfishly I was pretty set on marrying Wren. This is going to be so hard for me, but if keeping my vow to Wren meant keeping Toby safe, my choice was clear. I had to do this. I don't think I could ever bring myself to tell Wren that I'm marrying him for all the wrong reasons.

But if I marry Toby knowing the risk that I'm putting the both of in by doing so, I can't think of a more selfish thing to do.

So I had to do this. For the sake of everyone. Even Wren.


I had been waiting in the dressing room for about a half an hour when my maid of honor walked in saying that they're ready for me. I sighed and smiled. "Okay. I'm ready too"

My sister looked concerned. "Look, Spence as your maid of honor I'm supposed to--"

"Melissa! My decision is final. I'm going to go up there and get married and nothing is going to stop me. Not even my heart..."

There was this one little pit in my stomach that I couldn't shake knowing that A is here. I knew what it wanted, and I was doing it. But when has anything EVER just been enough for A?

No matter what, something is going to go wrong between now and me walking down that aisle.

I just didn't know what.

I looked up at my reflection one last time before walking towards the door. Melissa gave me a sympathetic look.

I shook my head.

She nodded. "Lead the way, Spence."

I walked out and faintly hear the music start.

One by one the girls walked out with their perfectly color coordinated bouquets and dresses, looking gorgeous as always.

I started to get chills. Then goosebumps. Then cold feet.

This is normal, Spencer. Every girl is nervous on her wedding day.

I continued to attempt at calming myself down until I realized that everyone was standing and looking right at me.

"Here we go." I said ever so quietly under my breath, through my fake smile.

I started to slowly walk down the aisle, trying so hard to keep my coordination. I did not need to fall.

I started to calm down and realize my surroundings. The first thing I saw was my gorgeous husband-to-be at the end looking right at me; smiling bigger than I've ever seen.

This is good. This is ok. I'm ok.

Then I started to see some other people.

My wonderful bridesmaids;

My mother;

Melissa's husband;

Back at Wren;

By the time I was halfway down the aisle, and I'm pretty sure I made eye contact with just about everyone.

But there was one obvious person that I couldn't help but notice wasn't there. I furrowed my eyebrows.

People were staring.

Why? Why couldn't he be here? I thought he'd at least support me.

I decided to ignore the pain inside of me and focus on the fact that I was finally at the end of the aisle.

I hugged my dad and he went and sat down with my mom.

The music stopped and starting playing a melody quietly and softly.

I took Wren's hand and walked up level with him.

He was so happy. And so was I.

I tried my hardest to forget that he wasn't there. It wasn't easy.

But it wasn't all that hard either.

The priest started to say wedding-ey things and I just looked deeply into Wren's eyes, half listening.

After a couple seconds, Wren's smile faded away, and the priest stopped speaking.

I snapped back into reality; not to hear the sound of a peaceful melody, but the sound of someone's voice, projecting around the entire church.

But it wasn't just a random voice.

It was Toby's.

Wren looked at me very confused, but I didn't have an answer I didn't know what was happening either.

But then I started to listen to what his voice was saying.

And I recognized it immediately.

It wasn't his voice.

It was a recording.

In an echoed voice throughout the church, me and the whole congregation heard, "you can't say it can you? Because it should be us up there and you know it.

You told me you loved me, and I thought you meant it."

"Oh no no no please God no." I whispered.

Wren shot his gaze back at me, tears welling in his eyes.

I was speechless. I had no explanation for this.

But the tape kept playing.

And it only got worse.

"Of course I love you, Toby!" The crowd gasped. A tear ran down my face. "I love you more and more everyday if that's even humanly possible!"

Wren stood there helpless while I was trying to make sense of this.

Right when I thought it couldn't get worse, saw a single figure standing at the entrance.


He realized what was going on. But he didn't try to stop it. He stood there. A part of him must've been enjoying this.

Everyone started clustering trying to figure out where it was coming from.

But right then and there, 4 familiar ring tones went off and the exact same time.

And I understood.

This was A.


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