Chapter 13--THE WEDDING DAY pt. 1

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Ok well it's here. My wedding day. I'm actually getting married. And I'm fine.

Ok that was a total lie I'm freaking out! I am the queen of organization and it seems like nothing can go right. My wedding planner cancelled last minute so I had to plan my own wedding. Who does that???

My dress is also really tight. And I'm hyperventilating. Not a good combo.

Then my husband-to-be walked in. We had gotten past the whole superstition about seeing the dress because he had already seen me in it. Even though the circumstances weren't still happened, and we got over it.

"Hey, hey, Spence you've got to stop worrying. Everything's going to be ok. It's all worked out. All you need to worry about is not falling when you walk down the aisle."

I gave him a worried look. "that doesn't make me feel better."

He chuckled. So I smiled.

He was right. Everything was ok. This wedding was perfection, probably because I did most of it, but that's beside the point. The amazing wedding aside, I couldn't help but worry about one small detail. I wasn't sure if Toby was even going to show up based on how the three of us left things. And I cared about him, Wren knows that, and I hope Toby does, too.

I would be lying to myself if I said I wasn't having second thoughts. Of course I was. But I feel like I owe it to Wren to marry him. After all the drama I put him through, I just couldn't do that to him. But is that a reason to get married? Because I feel guilty?

I don't know anymore, and right now I'm too exhausted to try and deal with the drama the town of Rosewood always ensures.


Toby's POV

I had been contemplating all evening on whether or not I should put on this suit sitting in front of me and go to that wedding. I know how we left things, we were friends, but then the fight happened, and it all changed. Well, at least I think it did. I don't know if the feeling is mutual because SHE WON'T TALK TO ME.


As I sat there brooding, I heard a knock at the door. "Oh please let that be her." I said quietly.

I rushed to the loft door, and my guess was half right. There stood not Spencer, but her petit older sister. I looked at her up and down with furrowed eyebrows. "Hey, Toby. Can I come in?"

"Uh, I guess." I motioned my arms for her to enter.

She sat down on my couch. She has a habit of making herself at home. "Sit down Toby."

"Melissa, what's wrong. Is Spencer ok?"

"Well, yes. But in my opinion, no." I didn't understand. I just stared at her as she continued. She got more serious and talked more firmly. "Look Toby. Spencer is about to go out there and marry the supposed love of her life when half that church knows what a big lie that was. As her sister I'm supposed to keep her from making the wrong decisions in life, and this is one of them."

I stood up. She smiled.

"Go get your girl."

I grinned and bolted out the door. I got about 30 seconds before I realized what I was wearing.

I ran back and she was standing inside holding the suit up. "forgetting something?"

I laughed. "Your a life saver." I grabbed the tux and ran into my bedroom.

After a few minutes I ran out and got a final check. "How do I look."

"Amazing now go!!" I largely smiled.

"Ok. Wish me luck!"

"Oh you don't need it."


Spencer's POV

I was sitting in front of the mirror checking my makeup when I saw I tall man with flowers in a tux in the reflection. I turned around.

"Toby! Oh my gosh I'm so glad your here. I was so worried you weren't going to show up."

He set the flowers on the table and walked toward me, rubbing his hands up and down my arms. "Its ok I'm here now just relax."

"Spence, are you sure you want to wear those heels? You aren't the most coordinated person I know."

I started hysterically laughing. I knew it was fake laughing, but for some reason I couldn't stop. I just kept laughing and laughing until it turned into crying. I slowly sank to the floor in my poufy dress, helplessly sitting there. Toby acted normal, almost like he expected it. He sat down with me and talked in a soothing voice.

My tears muffled. "Don't marry him." he muttered.

I looked up at him. "Don't marry him." He repeated.

"all those people out there. My friends, my family. They're all waiting for me."

"that's true. But they also want you to be happy. And you won't be if you go through with this. Tell me I'm wrong and I'll leave" I just stared at him. I couldn't say it. "You can't say it, can you? Because it should be us up there and you know it. You said that you loved me I thought you meant it"

"Of course I love you! I love you more and more everyday if that's even humanly possible." A tear rolled down my cheek. "But it's not that simple. I can't just drop everything and marry you instead. First off, my parents would kill me."

"Actually, no we wouldn't" The door creaked open and my mother walked in. "I never really liked Wren, anyway." I gave her a really mom? look. "sorry for eavesdropping." I scoffed. She walked in and hugged me.

"Spencer, all I want is for you to be happy, and I know that this wedding isn't going to suffice. Well, the wedding might, but the groom not so much."

"I couldn't do that to Wren. Who do you think I am?"

My mom looked at me. "I think that you are a confident young woman who never does anything on an impulse, always thinks things through, and never makes the decision everyone else wants you too. But I'm begging you just this one time, follow what your heart says, and not your mind."

"Can I talk to Toby alone please?" everyone smiled and rushed out of the room.

He walked up closer to me. "Toby, listen. I got a text yesterday saying that A was going to be here. It seemed pretty set on me and Wren getting together. And if marrying him means keeping you safe, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."

"Well I'm not! Spence we've been fighting this monster for years who says we can't fight it together?"

Then I said something that probably broke my heart more than his.

"I do. I say we can't"


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