Chapter 7

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Present day

Hanna comforted me for a while before she left my house. I was glad that she was there. The last thing I wanted was to be alone. I continued to cry for a little longer and then I slapped myself back into reality.

"Spencer Hastings! You are engaged!" I scolded myself. I tried my best to stop crying and went to my bedroom.

I needed to focus on the now.

Wren answered the phone after two rings. "Hey Beautiful." I smiled at how that sounded with his accent. See, this is good. I'm going to marry someone who makes me smile when I hear his voice. Not someone who makes me cringe when I hear his name.

"Hey, Wren." I said while chuckling.

"You know I love you, but I'm really busy so what's up?" He hadn't known that Toby was back. Now was not the time to drop a bomb like that. I'll tell him in person.

"oh nothing, honestly I just wanted to talk. So if it's a bad time..."

"oh, no no. It's never a bad time for you." There was a few moments of awkward silence. "Spencer?"

"Toby's back." I blurted out within a half a second.

"What? When? Spencer what's going on." He said firmly.

"nothing, I just thought you should know. I don't know why he's back."

"I have a pretty good guess." He mumbled. I sighed.

"I highly doubt that. Emily is the only one that had talked to him and she said he said nothing about me."

"somehow that doesn't make me feel better."

I smiled because it felt good knowing that he cared. "I love you."

He happily sighed "I love you, too"

Toby's POV

I didn't like being here. In fact I hate it. Jenna and I were so dysfunctional I swear there's a sitcom in there somewhere. The only reason I came here is because my dad made me. Toby you should go visit your sister. Toby she's family.  Those words made me cringe. Family. If only they knew...

I had been here a mere half an hour and this was by far one of the most banal and boring conversations I've ever had. There was enough awkward silence to please a crowd.

"I think I just saw Spencer's car drive by."

It finally happened. I was waiting for someone to say her name. Most people avoided it for my "well-being." I should've known Jenna would be the one not to care.

Wait, did she just say her car drove by???

I quickly turned my head. "She's long gone now, although, funny thing, her car stopped in front of the house and then sped off a few seconds later. Weird."

God I hated her. I looked up at her with pure hatred in my eyes.

It's been almost two years and she still decides to mess with my head. I should've known she was messing with me. I should know better anyway. It's not like she would ever do that anyway.

she laughed. "I'm telling the truth, Toby. I can tell you don't think I am."

I scoffed. "I think I have a right to doubt you sometimes." She frowned. I smirked.

"So why did you come back?" She said now angrily.

"I already told you, I just have to figure out some things."

"yeah, and I already said I don't believe you."

"Fine Jenna you caught me. I'm actually here because my evil twin made a bunch of clones and now I'm here to take over the town." I had so much sarcasm in my voice I almost laughed. I gave her a look and said "I'm clearly not telling you so please leave me alone"

She rolled her eyes. "Fine Toby. Don't tell anyone. Shut everyone out. But I doubt you'll get Spencer back doing that." She gave an evil grin.

"That's not why I'm here!"

"Who are you trying to convince here Toby: me or you."

I wanted to get the last word but I didn't know how to respond to that. I just slowly got my things and left.  I drove to my hotel and thought about what she said the whole time. "I'm not in town for her." I said out loud.  But there is truth to it...somewhat. There was a carpenter job in Rosewood available and I might have done everything possible to get the job, but it paid well, and that's the ONLY reason. Damn. Who was I trying to convince? I let out a huge sigh. The truth had to come out at somepoint.

"I am here for one reason. And that reason is Spencer Hastings." 


We always find our way back (a spoby love story- 5 years forward)Where stories live. Discover now