Chapter 11

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I couldn't believe this. I had gotten a text from A. There are few other people could understand it. Sure, I could call the girls, but all they would do is say the same things I would. I needed someone to comfort me. So I called Toby. Thank God we were on speaking terms again.

He picked up almost right away.

"Hey, Emily already told me. I assume that's what you're calling for? The A text?"

"..yeah I was. What do you think this means? It's been 5 years and it just comes back all of a sudden? That can't be right."

"Tell me about it. We'll get to the bottom of this. We always do. Plus, did you forget that I' m a cop? I got this."

I smiled. "No I did not forget, Lieutenant Cavanaugh." I could practically hear  him smiling on the other line.  After a few seconds, he started to talk again.

"Well, we've all dealt with A for so long we know its tricks. There has to be a reason.  it can't just start back up again. A always has motive." I didn't answer. " what did the text say anyway? Emily didn't tell me. She said you should."

I shook my head. I couldn't tell him. That would bring up so much, and we were just starting to be friends again. I didn't want to mess that up with something I knew I wouldn't be able to take back. Plus, I'M GETTING MARRIED. Why do I continually forget about that?

I finally answered. With a lie. " don't think A wants be to reveal it. I mean, you know A just as much as I do, and you know that spilling doesn't always turn out well."

I heard him sigh. "Ok. But it'll be hard to help without knowing what it wants. What it wants from you I should say."

I silently scoffed. Yeah, I know exactly what it wants. I thought to myself.

"Well, I should probably go, I have a dress fitting in a half an hour. I'll call you I find out anything."

"Same here." There was an awkward silence.

He quickly responded and hung up immediately after, "Well, have fun at your fitting."

I put down my phone a little overwhelmed with what just happened. I debated whether I should tell him or not. I wanted to, because he would  know what to do, but then again, I couldn't. It just wouldn't be right. Not now, at least. Not with the wedding day being so close. Oh yeah, I forgot, I'M GETTING MARRIED.


I arrived at the bridal shop for the dreaded dress fitting. But once I tried on the dress, I felt amazing, beautiful even. It was absolutely stunning. I couldn't wait to get married in this gown. I heard the door open and I really didn't bother to see who it was, I just assumed it was the tailor giving her opinion.

"So, how's it look?" I heard no response. I turned around.

It was Wren.

I gasped, half-joking. "Wren! You can't see me in this before the wedding!" I was staring straight at him, but he just looked right back, still not saying a word. "Wren?"

He opened his mouth and said a sentence that I thought I would never have to hear. I thought it was over. I thought I wouldn't have to think about it again. But my jinxing gene stroked yet again.

"you slept with him...didn't you." My eyebrows raised and I just looked at him, not knowing what to say. I mean, should I lie? Should I play dumb? Beg for mercy? I wasn't sure of anything so all did was stutter a couple words before he interrupted me saying, "you really don't have an explanation." I still didn't answer. He scoffed. "Unbelievable."

He started to walk out. "Wait." He turned around slowly. "How did you know?"

He rolled his eyes. "That's actually  your main focus. Right now." He paused, waiting for me to say something. When I didn't, he continued. "I got this anonymous text along with a picture." He showed it to me. It was a clear picture of us holding hands and making our way to Toby's bedroom. God, did A install cameras in the loft? I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Ok back on track Spencer.

"Wren. You have to believe me. It's over between us. We talked about it; we're over." I walked towards him. He turned away. "Wren. Please. I love you." He looked at me. I could see his eyes welling up.

"I-I just can't believe you would do this to me."

"It was an utter impulse. Please, if I could take it back I would." Another lie. "I never wanted to hurt you."

The sadness in his eyes went away and they were suddenly filled with anger. "I need to leave."

"What? Where are you going? Wren!"

"I'll be back." He said this to me from the door. "Let's just say....I have some business  to attend to..."

We always find our way back (a spoby love story- 5 years forward)Where stories live. Discover now