Chapter 3

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I snapped back into reality and stormed into the Brew.  Aria had a concerned and worried look on her face.  I rolled my eyes as I strutted over to the couch.

She unfocused her gaze from her no-foamed-soy-latte and looked up at me. "oh hey Spence." she said nervously.

I continued to give her the snake eye.

she smiled " sparia?"

"NO! there is no time for team Sparia or team anything. How could you not tell me???"

"so I see that you saw him across the street..."

"I mean why would you put this on me right as I--wait, you knew he was there? And you didn't think oh hey maybe Spencer has feelings and doesn't want to deal with stuff right now  and I should go somewhere far far away from here????!!!"

"I only saw him a few minutes ago, honestly."

"that's plenty of time to run away" I retorted.

She gave me her "look" You know Aria's look? I mean we all have looks. Aria kinda slouches down while looking up at you and she sighs. Anyway, I'm off track. she gave me a look

I calmed down and sat next to her. I sighed. "have you spoken to him?"

"no. The only reason I know he's in town in the first place is...Emily."

I waited a few seconds. "well it was nice talking to you." I started walking away as I was still talking.

"But Spencer wait"

"ill see you later," I was walking out the door, "yay team sparia bye!" I slammed the door shut. I turned around to see the boy in the leather jacket was gone.

I should've been relieved.

But I wasn't.


I stomped up to Emily's hole in the wall apartment, pounding on the door.


I heard a faint mumble "oh great. here it comes." I scoffed.

she opened the door with a fake smile. "...hey, Spence."

I continued yet another snake eye.

"ok I know what you must be feeling right now but I was only doing it to protect you. I didn't want to see you get hurt. I mean your exact words were 'I never want to hear the name Toby again.'  what did you expect?"

"I expect my friends to understand that I was emotionally NOT OK and I was being overdramatic and if something like this were to happen, which, would you look at that, IT DID,  you would fill me in."

"look, I'm sorry. Can we just talk now?"

I sighed. I hated not having the last word, but I did just want to talk. "fine."

a couple awkward seconds passed by

" you've talked to him?"

"..yeah. He didn't say why he came back, he just said in a very vague manner, 'I was missing Rosewood.'"

I hesitated to ask the inevitable question that she knew was coming.

"d-did he ask about me?"

She sighed and looked up at me with a quick shake of her head.

I never knew such a small gesture could have such an effect.

"Spencer, you need to remember this isn't high school anymore. Just because A is gone doesn't mean our lives aren't complicated. You are engaged. You can't think about old flames when you are about to marry another one."

I looked up at the wall with anger and rage in my eyes. "Wren can wait. I have some unresolved business to attend to" I said as I started storming out the door.

"wait Spencer you can't!"

I turned around in the hallway. Right before slamming the door in her face I saw my opportunity to get the last word after all.

"try and stop me."

AN hey guys so sorry if your super confused. yeah i changed it to wren instead of Dean. I thought he was more important. sorry if you were confused!

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