Chapter 19

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The noisy sobs echoed through the empty room, which was surrounded by the glistening paintings. Small tiny crystal beads creeped out of her eyes, one after another, turning into a flowing stream of sorrow that ran down her face and dripped from her pointed chin into her dress.

"I love you." Her soft words felt like a pleasant breeze to Mr Everett, who still held her face gently.

"Oh, Georgie." He kissed her forehead ever so gently. His lips were as soft as a piece of cotton, and his hands, though frail, were warm and felt safe.

"You have said enough, Augustin. Now, I must speak. I have loved you but it was too late when I realised my feelings for you. You were engaged to Catherine, and it broke my heart. The day Elizabeth announced your engagement was the day when I felt as if I was crushed. I was heartbroken. And that heartbreak led me to realise my love for you. But later, I forgot that you were even engaged. I spent time with you, and that was all I wanted. Being called your friend was like heaven to me. Now, it is just too late. Mr Birch and I are to marry in fall. Everyone has been informed about it. Guests have been invited. Clothes have been made. I love you but I cannot do anything. I honour my brother and I honour my heritage, I cannot go against it."

"I understand." He wiped off her tears and kissed her one more time on her forehead before helping her up.

She arranged her clothes and tried to look neat. "Do not die Augustin. If you love me, for my sake, come to my wedding and see me smile for the last time. I shall never smile again. And pray, go back to Catherine Bennet and apologise. She still has feelings for you and it would be pleasant to see you both get married."

"I am afraid I cannot do that." His short reply was followed by a cold silence, as the two stared at each other.

It was so hard for them to bid farewells to each other, and thus Georgiana rushed out of the room, before she could release any more tears. When she stepped out in the open area, she saw Mr Birch, walking up and down on the path beside the carriage. He looked worried and anxious but she did not know the reason for this.

"I apologise if it took me so long-"

"Miss Darcy, I heard and saw everything." He chopped off her sentence before it was even complete, leaving her utterly shocked. "Mr Everett loves you and I do not want to be a type of a person who separates two lovers. If you love the man, please, do return to him. Both of you have waited for each other for such a long time and I came in as a nuisance. I should confront Mr Darcy, I shall tell him how ardently you two love each other and I shall like to see you married within this month. Do not worry about me. I am perfectly fine. It would have given me great pain if I married you, even after knowing this, rather than getting you married to Mr Everett. Now go, run along and embrace the man you love. I shall take you both to Pemberly."

Georgiana felt an odd sensation in her heart. A slow smile spread over her gaunt features. Happiness flowed through her, warming her skin like the rays of an early summer. "Mr Birch, you cannot believe how happy you have made me. I will remain forever grateful to you. I am so sorry for what I have done. Please, forgive me."

"You do not have to ask for forgiveness." He folded his arms across his chest with a huge grin on his face.

She thanked him once again and ran towards the house, passing through the cool, moist air. She did not care about her dress or the way she looked, because she was in a hurry. Upon entering the house, she called out for her beloved and he came out of the shadows.

"Augustin, will you marry me?" She asked, panting heavily in relief.

His eyes and his mouth became wide open as he violently nodded his head. "Yes. Yes I will indeed marry you."

She made her way towards him and threw her arms around him, embracing him so closely. His warm body made her feel so safe, and she felt as if she was dreaming but it was all real. There was no time, no wind, no rain. Her mind was at peace. She felt her body press in, soft and warm. This was the love she had waited for, prayed for. She inwardly thanked God and hugged him tighter. A love like this was to be cherished for life.

"Let us go to Pemberly, and solve this matter for once and for all." She said, still embracing him and breathing softly.

Honour and Intimacy - A Sequel to Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice'Where stories live. Discover now