Chapter 7

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Mr Winston arrived after a time of two hours, in which Mrs Reynolds, Mrs Darcy and Mr Darcy were taking care of Georgiana, trying to make her regain consciousness.

"She was as fine as ever in the morning," Mr Darcy remembered, "I have not a single idea of what has happened to her."

"Pardon me, but Georgiana Darcy has been looking very pale and weak since a few days now. I have noticed how she eats so less, and how she always tries to avoid dinners." Mrs Reynolds laid a wet cloth on Georgiana's forehead, as Mr Winston checked her pulse.

He pulled up the sleeve of her arm and noticed the small red spots on her skin which made him come to a conclusion. "Miss Darcy is suffering from measles. These red rashes are enough to tell so."

Mr and Mrs Darcy, both gasped in apprehension. Their dear Georgiana was the only thing they could think about and they knew it would be months till she would be fine. Mr Winston prescribed the medicines that Georgiana would be needing and bid them all a farewell.

Mr and Mrs Darcy spent the whole night beside Georgiana, waiting for her to gain consciousness, and it was not until the sun had risen, when she had finally opened her eyes.

Mrs Reynolds happily stood up and clasped her hands. "Miss Darcy! You are awake!"

Georgiana weakly looked at her brother and reached out her arms for him. He hurriedly wrapped his arms around her, embracing her with utmost affection.

"I have just come to the realisation that it is time for breakfast. Would you all like to have it now?" Mrs Reynolds asked.

"Breakfast can wait." Mrs Darcy replied, as she admired her husband's affection for his sister.

Mrs Reynolds bowed her head and left the room. Mr Darcy pulled back and noticed the small red spots around Georgiana's face and he gently stroked her hair.

"She shall be fine if she takes rest." Mr Darcy stood up and stared at Elizabeth, who nodded her head.

They waited for their dear Georgiana to get better, and the time had passed very quickly indeed. Hours turned into days, and like that, days had turned into weeks. After several weeks, Georgiana's condition was somewhat better and she was allowed to go on visits with Mr and Mrs Darcy. However, she was not allowed to walk around for a long time, or run around. In simple words, she was not allowed to stress.

One day, when she was in her room, reading a book which she had read for almost twenty times, she heard a knock on her door which was unfamiliar. She let the person proceed and she was surprised to see who entered the room.

Mr Everett, holding a canvas and a delicate wooden box in his hands, slightly bowed his head with civility, as he walked in and set his materials in the corner.

"Good morning, Miss Darcy." He spoke with such politeness that Georgiana could feel herself brighten up.

"Good morning to you too Mr Everett." She replied shyly and pretended to read her book.

Mr Darcy came in and told Georgiana that he wanted a portrait of her to be made, but she did not state her opinion. She just readily agreed on his decision and Mr Darcy left the room.

Mr Everett took out his thinnest and the finest pencil and looked at Georgiana to examine her face. She was not looking up at him, and he had to instruct her how to sit.

"Miss Darcy," he said, "please do look up at me and kindly put that book away. Fold your hands and place them on your lap."

She did so but she felt a little uncomfortable. Her smile was not pleasant. In fact, it was a nervous smile which she was forced to put on. Mr Everett noticed it, so he put his pencil down and sauntered towards her.

"Miss Darcy, you do not have to think of me as a stranger. I have been coming here everyday, though you must have not felt my presence." He sat on the chair beside the bed and stared at her.

"I apologise." She looked away, avoiding any eye contact with him.

Mr Everett found out her weakness and he knew the exact cure to it. She was shy, and shyness was her weakness. But he knew he could fix that by creating an intimacy between her and him.

"My mother was just like you." He grinned. "She was shy when she met any stranger. She spoke to only those who were close to her. That was, perhaps the reason, why she had died."

Georgiana looked at him with her eyes widened. It was an indication that she wanted to hear him further.

"My mother could not fight for herself in defence. She was blamed for killing her husband, which was my father, and thus she was hung." Mr Everett closed his eyes as he remembered that painful scenario.

"That is unfair and unjust." Georgiana replied. "But how do you know she did not do it?"

"My father was a tradesman and he already had many arch rivals. Those bitter enemies of his were always plotting to destroy his business. But they could not do so. Jealousy had sent them to such an extent that they took away his life. My mother, on the other hand, had never even stepped out of the house. There was no possible way that she could kill her husband who she loved so dearly." He explained, laying his head against his seat.

Georgiana listened to him attentively and felt saddened upon hearing his story. "I am greatly grieved after hearing this."

"Do not be so. It was all long time ago. I was just seven years old when all that had happened. I will be always thankful to my master, Mr Wright, who had taken care of me since such a tender age and had prepared me to become an artist."

She smiled at him, and he returned her a smile too. "I never wanted to be shy. Same was the case for my brother. People mistake our shyness for pride. How different those two things are, though people cannot even differentiate between them."

"I knew that you were shy and my judgement was absolutely correct." Mr Everett said.

"And that is why I already feel closer to you." Georgiana let out a chuckle and gave a long pause before speaking again. "Would you like to come for tea to-morrow?"

Mr Everett was a little hesitant as he answered her. "I truly apologise that I cannot, since Mrs Darcy has already invited me for dinner. She said it was to discuss an important matter. However, I truly hope you will be there."

"Surely, I will be there. Now that I am suffering from sickness, my brother wants me to be beside him during dinner since he wants to see me eat." She said with a genuine grin on her face.

"He is definitely a caring brother. Anyhow, let us return to the painting. I have to finish sketching it within today."

Georgiana agreed, and she posed for the portrait for almost three hours until Mr Everett was finally done.

Honour and Intimacy - A Sequel to Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice'Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя