Chapter 11

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Georgiana's tiny fingers touched the keys of the exquisite piano, as she went on creating a dreary environment in the parlour. Her music, which had always given joy to the people, now sounded depressing. But it was the only mode for her to let go off her depression. She played and played, without realising how much time had passed.

"It is definitely true that music tells us about the feelings of the musician."

She stopped playing and turned around to locate Mr Everett, who was leaning against the wall, with his hands in his trouser pockets. His brunette hair seemed so lustrous and his complexion was brighter than ever.

Georgiana averted her gaze away from him and bit her lip because all her misery came back to her. Mr Everett walked towards her, sat beside her on the piano bench and started playing a wonderful tune. Georgiana recognised it immediately and she joined him in playing it since it was supposed to be duet. He passed her a wide grin and she could not help herself but smile too. It was a mystical moment for her, to be playing music alongside the man she loved, it was just incredible for her. There were times when his finger would come in contact with hers, and her heart would skip a beat. How wonderful it all seemed to her. She forgot everything. All here tears, which she was holding back, had vanished. Her lovely smile had come back and she had never felt so hearty. When their song came to an end, he looked at her and tilted his head slightly to his side.

"You were absolutely brilliant, Miss Darcy."

"So were you. I never knew you could play." She folded her hands in her lap, without looking into his eyes.

"My love for music has been very huge since the last few years and I have learnt a great deal about it. But I think I have yet to learn a few more tunes." He went through the composition of Beethoven, which was kept on top of the piano and it interested him. He tried to play a song which seemed a little tough but Georgiana could excel at it.

"I will teach you some music if you teach me some art." She answered, still in fear of looking at him.

"That is why I am here. I brought the canvas and the paints, and they await in the garden. We must begin our painting soon."

He accompanied her to the Pemberly gardens, where a canvas was positioned in front of an old tree and next to it was a table which had a palette and paints placed on top of it, with some pencils.

"Make a sketch of that tree. Just move your hand in such a free way that it can capture the shape of the tree." He instructed her as he walked up and down the green grass.

Without speaking, she drew a dark sketch of the tree which was in front of her. Mr Everett looked at it and nodded his head.

"See? That was not hard. Now pour some paints into the palette and take a brush, then sway your hands, let them move freely on the canvas, the way you want them to move." He said as he helped her pour the paints. She dipped the brush into the green mixture and moved it across the canvas. She was careful with her strokes and remembered the lessons of art that she had learnt when she was of a tender age.

She felt a different kind of pleasure while painting, an uncommon delight, and at times Mr Everett would hold her hand in order to help her paint even better. She let go of all her anxieties once again and realised that art and music were sort of similar, they were both stress relievers.

"There. You are done with painting the leaves and they look marvellous." Mr Everett pulled back his hand and examined the painting as Georgiana stepped back.

"Have I done this myself?" She uttered the words in incredulity which she was struck by. "You have developed in me an inexpert artist."

"Everything has beginnings and ends. This is just the beginning of your artistic life. We shall paint again soon. At the moment, I have to make a commitment to someone, therefore let us put an end to your painting right here. You have indeed done a great job." He ran his fingers through his hair before bowing his head and leaving Georgiana alone.

She knew where he was heading. He would make a commitment to Catherine Bennet. Georgiana had started to despise that young lady.

Honour and Intimacy - A Sequel to Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice'Where stories live. Discover now