Chapter 4

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The day of the ball came and Pemberly had never looked so majestic. Mrs Darcy and Mr Darcy were fulfilling their duty of receiving their guests which were in a large number. All their acquaintances had been invited and almost all of them had come to the ball.

"My dear Lizzy," cried Mrs Bennet, "it feels as if you were born just yesterday. I cannot even believe that this is happening. Such a beauty you have become and such a mistress this house is blessed with. It is so grievous to see Lydia in a state in which she is living in right now. I wish she was as fortunate as you. Her state is pitiable at the moment."

Elizabeth only smiled at her mother because she did not have any words for such a comment. "I hope you have a good time in this ball, mother."

"Oh I surely will." Mrs Bennet said and then was taken away by Mr Bennet.


Upon hearing that familiar voice, Elizabeth searched for the speaker of it and spotted her in the midst of the crowd.

"Charlotte!" Elizabeth clasped her hands and hugged her once she was close enough. "How have you been?"

"I have been well. Mr Collins was not permitted to attend this ball since Lady Catherine strongly disapproved of it. She still does have a grudge against you and Mr Darcy." Charlotte looked at the gentleman who was standing next to Elizabeth.

"What are we to say about it? We cannot do anything to change her opinion. However, we should leave that aside and talk about how pleasant you look. I have never seen you look so beautiful as this." Elizabeth changed the subject very quickly and they spent a few more minutes talking until they were interrupted by Mr Darcy.

"Elizabeth, may we join our guests inside?" He smiled affectionately and offered her a hand.

Elizabeth glanced at Charlotte who gave her an amiable smile, indicating that she should go spend some time with her charming husband. Elizabeth took it into consideration and it was not long before Mr and Mrs Darcy joined their guests.

They all were seated by the long French oak dinner table which had an exquisite texture and was perfect for a formal occasion such as this. Elizabeth and Mr Darcy sat next to Mr and Mrs Gardiner who were delighted to see the hosts take place next to them.

"Lizzy my dear, congratulations on this happy occasion." Mrs Gardiner grabbed Elizabeth's hand in a cordial manner, making her smile even wider.

She thanked her but their conversation was interrupted by the slight gasps of the young ladies around them. Most of the people did not notice the astonishment of the young ladies, especially the men, who were busy conversing with each other. Elizabeth and Mrs Gardiner turned to look at the entrance and they too, were forced to let out gasps.

That one single man, at the entrance, was a source of fascination for all the ladies. He was young, handsome and tall. His pale skin was shining brightly and it made his deep blue eyes more prominent. His brunette hair were not made properly. They were untidy but he could care less about his hair and the attention he was receiving from others. He smiled charmingly at everyone who stared at him and walked into Mr Darcy's direction.

"Mr Darcy?" He spoke in a gentlemanlike manner and put his hand on his shoulder.

Mr Darcy looked at the man and stood up instantly, even if the young man gestured him to be seated. "Yes?"

"I apologise for interrupting you. I think I am here at the wrong time." He looked around the whole room, full of confidence. "Pardon me, my name is Augustin Everett and I believe you were in need of an artist since you want a painting to be made."

"That is absolutely correct." Mr Darcy passed him a friendly smile and the young man was relieved. "But I am afraid that this is not the time I was expecting to see you, Mr Everett. Can you come to-morrow?"

Mr Everett grinned widely and nodded his head. "Surely sir, and once again, I apologise for any intrusion."

With a slight bow, the two men ended their conversation and the young one left the room, leaving an enthusiastic atmosphere in the room.

Mrs Bennet stared at Elizabeth from the other side of the table with a great grin painted on her face and gestured her to speak to her. Therefore, she apologised Mrs Gardiner, stood up and attended to her mother, who was surely looking very energetic.

"Lizzy, did you see that man?" Mrs Bennet caught her daughter's arm and her eyes shone brightly. "Was he not so handsome?"

"Yes mother. He was. What are you thinking of now?" Elizabeth replied in a friendly tone.

Mrs Bennet looked over at Catherine, who was busy speaking to Jane and enjoying her company. Elizabeth took the hint of it and her jaw slightly dropped.

"I have two more daughters who are not married yet. And I must tell you, Kitty is ready for marriage. I saw the young gentleman speaking to Mr Darcy and that must mean that he is acquainted with him. Pray, Lizzy, find out as much as you can about that young man. I beg of you." Mrs Bennet sounded anxious and desperate.

But Elizabeth was hesitant. She looked at her beloved husband who was staring at her and when their gazes met, both of them smiled at each other.

"I will try mother. But take my advice, I think Mary is ready for marriage more than Kitty is. She has grown up and it gives me pain to see her alone." Elizabeth put in her advice and left her mother to think about what she had said.

The rest of the ball went surprisingly well. Mr Darcy and Elizabeth did the honours of the opening dance, leaving the guests in awe. Everyone rejoiced and celebrated with full vigour. Everything was definitely, if not more, very great.

Honour and Intimacy - A Sequel to Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice'Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя