Chapter 23

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I woke up the next morning, and immediatly thought of Eliza. I wondered if she woke up yet. I was definitly going to visit her today. I got out of bed, careful not to wake Harry. I showered, put on my salmon skirt and white top, and put on a little make-up. When I finished Harry woke up.

"What are you doing?" he asked in his raspy morning voice. So hot!

"I'm going to the hospital to see Eliza." I told him.

"Oh, I'll come with you. Just give me like a half hour." he said as he got out of bed.

"Okay, I'll wait." I said. I went downstairs and had a bowl of cereal while I waited for Harry. Shorly after he came down the stairs all ready to go. I quickly worte a note for Kiera and Niall so that they knew where we were.

"Ready to go?" Harry asked as he grabbed my keys for me.

"Yep, let's go." I said taking the keys. We walked outside and hopped in the car and began driving to the hospital. I gripped the steering wheel nervously. Harry saw me tense up.

"She's gonna be alright love." he said.

"I hope so. I'm just worried at what condition she's in. I mean, I don't even know if she's awake yet." I said.

"Well, awake or not, I know she'll make it through." he said. I loosened my grip on the wheel. Harry held out his hand and I took it with mine. We held each others hand for the whole ride, Harry giving me reassuring squeezes once in a while. Finally we pulled up to the hospital. I parked and we got out. We walked inside to the check-in desk. There was a plump woman sitting behind the desk.

"Hello there, what can I do for you two?" she asked nicely.

"Um, we're here to visit Eliza Hayes." I said to her.

'Okay, sure. And perfect timing to. I heard she just woke up about an hour ago. But I'm gonna need you to wear these visitor passes, and sign in on the sheet right there." she handed us our passes, and pointed to the clipboard on the counter.

"Okay, thank you." I said as I signed the sheet and clipped on the pass, giving one to Harry.

"Enjoy your visit, and I hope she's doing well." the plump lady said.

"Thank you." I said as we walked over to the elevator. I pressed the up arrow, and the doors opened. We stepped inside and I pressed the floor 3 button. We rode up and then stepped onto the floor when the doors opened. We walked hand and hand up to her door. I turned the knob ad pushed open the door. We looked inside to see an empty bed. The bed was all made up and there was no sign of Eliza being there. My heart stopped in my chest, and my knees buckled a little. Harry held me up, although I'm sure he was in shock as well.

"Where is she?" I asked to no one in paritcular.

"Let's ask one of the doctors Lily." Harry said, leading me out of the room. We saw Eliza's doctor pass by. I stopped him in the hall.

"Doctor. Where's my sister? Where's Eliza? She isn't in her room." I said a little panicked.

"Calm down Lily. It's alright. She's fine. We moved her to a room lower down when she woke up. This is the emergency floor. She doesn't need to be on this floor anymore. She's in room 35B I believe, on the second floor." he told us.

"Alright, thank you doctor." I said as I grabbed Harry's hand again. We went to the elevator and pressed the floor 2 button. We descended down and then got off. We walked down the hall and went to room 35B. I slowly opened the door, and sure enouogh Eliza was sitting up in the bed watching some kid show on the T.V.

"Eliza?" I said as we walked in. She looked over in our direction. At first she looked confused, but then she smiled.

"Li...lily! Harr..ry! You came." she said with a little bit of difficulty.

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