Chapter 17

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. I got up and went downstairs to have breakfast. I was starving. I got downstairs and saw Kiera sitting at the counter drinking a cup of coffee.

"Morning!" she said happily. I was wondering why she was so happy.

"Morning. How are you of all people up this early?:) " I asked her.

"Well, I remembered that the boys would be coming back in a week now. So I thought we could do something today, just us girls, for a little celebration." she explained. I made a cup of coffee and started to make some French toast.

"Yeah, that sounds great! What do you have in mind?" I asked her.

"Well, I thought we could go get mani, pedis, adn then go shopping, and maybe catch a movie or something." she said.

"Oh yeah we could check out that new chic flick, oh what is it??...........Safe Haven! Yeah, I want to see that." I said.

"Yeah, me too. Okay, so we'll go shopping, get our nails done, and then go see Safe Haven!! Sound good?" she asked.

"Yeah, sounds great!!" I said. I sat down next to her and we ate the French toast. I finished off my coffee, and then went upstairs to get ready. I hoped in the shower, then got dressed in my salmon pink ruffle skirts, and my floral top. Then I slid on my white flip flops, and straightened my hair. I came downstairs and waited for Kiera. She came down shortly, and we headed out. I grabbed my keys and we drove to Faneuil Hall. We went shopping for awhile, and got some cute outfits with shoes to match. Then we had a lunch break. Then we went and got our nails done. We both got French manicures. They looked great. Then we went shopping some more. We got tickets offline for the movie before we left, and the show time was at 4, so we decided to go get our seats now. We got to the theatre, and got some popcorn. Then we went into the theatre and took our seats. The movie started 10 minutes later. Safe Haven was of course a chic flick, so me and Kiera were balling our eyes out. But luckily Kiera had some tissues in her purse. The movie finished, and we all filed out. And of course there was that one person in the theatre who stayed to watch the credits. Kiera nd I hopped back into my car, and we drove back to our flat. I had a really fun day today. Kiera and I haven't had a girls day like that in a long time. It was good to have some quality time with her. We arrived back at the flat, and we decided to watch some more Harry Potter movies. We had watched the first three of them, so we popped in the fourth one. We watched it, and sat on the couch eating cookie-whiches(Ice cream between 2 cookies like a sandwich):). Ugh, we're such pigs. Anyways, we watched the fourth one, and when it finishe dI got up to pop the fifth one in. It started playing, but just as I was about to sit back down there was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it. It was Harry.

"Harry? You're not supposed to be back for another week. What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Lily, I came back early just to tell you that I am very sorry about what I did. You didn't seem convinced when I explained and apologized on the phone. I just wanted to prove to you that I still love you, and that I truly am sorry. I don't want us to take a break. I want us to still be us." he said.

"I believed you on the phone Harry. But I just think that a break will help us somehow." I said.

"No, Lily, we are fine the way we were. We don't need a break. You're over thinking this. I still love you Lily." Harry said.

"Yeah, well if you truly loved me then you wouldn't listen to half the stuff management says. You wouldn't do half the stuff management tells you to do!" I said a little too harshly.

"Lily, please wait........." Harry begged.

"The break starts now. Goodbye Harry." a single tear rolled down my cheek, before I slowly closed the door.

Harry's P.O.V.-

"The break starts now. Goodbye Harry." Lily said as a tear escaped from her eye, and she closed the door shut. I backed away from the door slowly. Tears were begging to come out, but I wouldn't let them. I had to stay strong about this. I walked back over to my car. I just stood there for a second, thinking. I decided to take a walk down the street. Why didn't she believe me? Why can't she understand? If I don't do what management tell me to do the I'll lose my job, and my opportunity to sing with the boys. That would crush me. But what also would crush me is not getting Lily back. I had no idea how to anyways. I was screwed.

Lily's P.O.V.-

I closed the door slowly, then I wiped away my tears, and started walking over to the couch again. Kiera was no longer sitting on the couch. She was standing around the corner, behind the wall. She was totally acting like she wasn't spying on me.

"Who was that? What happened?" Kiera said as I approached her from around the corner.

"Give it up Kiera, I know you were listening." I said.

"Fine. But seriously, what was that? Why would you say that stuff? Do you know how much you probably just hurt him?" she said.

"Yeah, well he hurt me first, and this is what he gets. I mean, I guess I overreacted a little bit and I shouldn't have...said..." I was trying to hold back my tears as I realized what I had said to Harry. It really was cruel, and I didn't mean what I said. I didn't want to lose him like this. I didn't want to lose him at all. Kiera pulled me into her arms and held me there for a second. Then she let me go.

"Lily, he still loves you with all of his heart. Why can't you believe him? He wouldn't have come all the way back here, by himself, to apologize to you, if he didn't love you." she told me. I hadn't thought about it that way. I realized that I truly did love him to. I would go to the ends of the earth for him, and I'm sure he would to. I had to get him back.

"I know...................I'll be back." I said after a slight pause. I ran to the door, opened it, and ran out, closing the door behind me.

Infinity *editing* Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora