Chapter 3

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         When I opened the door I heard a whole bunch of people scream surprise. It was so unexpected!

"OMG! You guys threw a surprise birthday party for me!? Thank you so much!" I said with excitement. I walked inside and put my bags down. I began walking around to say hello to people and thank them for coming. We ate dinner, opened presents, had some cake, and by then it was almost eight o'clock. People began to leave, so I said my goodbyes, and then went and flopped on the couch. Kiera, mom, and Eliza came and sat with me.

"So, did you have a good birthday?" my mom asked me as she plopped down next to me.

"Yes, it was one of the best. Thank you. And now I understand why you were be so suspicious at dinner last night, and why Kiera was stalling when we were shopping." I said.

"Oh Lily, there is one present that we wanted you to open just with us. I know you'll love it." My mom said handing me a small thin box.

"Okay." I began unwrapping one end of it, and then the other. I slid the box out carefully. I took off the cover and there before me lay two pieces of paper with the words One Direction Concert written on them. I had received tickets to go see One Direction in concert. I just sat there holding the box, staring at the ticket with wide eyes. Then I freaked.

"OMG!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GOT ME ONE DIRECTION TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, as I went around hugging them a billion times realizing that this was what I wished for that morning.

"You don't even know how hard it was to keep my mouth shut about it today!" Kiera told me because she is a huge fan as well. "Now we will get to see them together finally!!!!" she said.

"Wait, there are only two tickets. I'm confused." I said.

"I'm letting you and Kiera go by yourselves. You're both 18. You don't need me baby sit you." my mom told us.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!" I said as I went and hugged my mom once again.

"Of course, but I'm trusting you girls, so don't let me down." she warned

"Don't worry mom. We will be fine. When is the concert anyway?" I asked.

"It's next week so......"

"Next week! Oh my gosh, we have to find the perfect outfits, and figure out how to do our hair, and do our nails, and we have to look perfect!" I said cutting my mom off.

"Slow down honey! Don't you want to know where your seats are? They're in the third row so you get right up front. I have a friend who hooked me up with the tickets and great seats." my mom told me.

"If we are gonna be that close we have to look better than perfect!!!" I said realizing that I was gonna be less than 10 feet away from the boys. I was freaking out inside. This was gonna be amazing! I thanked my mom again and gave her another big hug. Then I ran upstairs with Kiera to figure out what we were gonna wear to the concert and all of that. It was late so we decided that we would wait until tomorrow. I went and sang to Eliza and then hopped into bed. I dreamed about what the concert would be like all night.


          The next week went by so slow. I think it was because I wanted it to be the day of the concert so bad that it felt like forever. On the bright side me and Kiera found our outfits that we were gonna wear to the concert, booked a time to get manicures, and figured out how we were gonna do our hair. I was going to wear black leggings with a One Direction t-shirt and my black sandals. My hair was gonna be down and curled, and my nails were going to be painted a sparkly pink color with a white flower on the thumbs and big toes. Kiera's outfit was jean shorts, a One Direction t-shirt, and her white sandals. Her hair was going to be straightened, because it is really pretty like that, and her nails were going to be painted a pretty teal color with purple sparkles. We were gonna look so good! We also were gonna wear some makeup, but that's a given.

           Finally it was the day before the concert. We were going to go get our nails done at this really good place that my mom knew about. We went and got our nails done, and they turned out amazing! We didn't do anything crafty with our hands because we didn't want to mess up our nails. Every hour was getting closer to the concert. I was getting so pumped!! That night I went to bed hoping to get a good night sleep. I didn't want to be tired tomorrow for the concert. The concert wasn't until five o'clock so I had the whole day to rest up. My mom knew we were going to be out late, and she didn't want us to be driving at nine o'clock at night so she booked us a hotel room in a hotel right across the street from the TD Garden, where the concert was. I thought it was a pretty good plan considering I would probably be to tired to drive anyway. So I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep. 

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